Leetcode 之Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation(41)


bool isOperator(string &op)
          return op.size() == 1 && string("+-*/").find(op) != string::npos;
      int evalRPN(vector<string> &tokens)
          stack<string> s;
          for (auto token : tokens)
              if (!isOperator(token))
                  int y = stoi(s.top());
                  int x = stoi(s.top());
                  if (token == "+")x += y;
                  if (token == "-")x -= y;
                  if (token == "*")x *= y;
                  if (token == "/")x /= y;
          return stoi(s.top());

时间: 2024-10-12 15:09:58

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