public interface IBlood { } public class BloodImpl implements IBlood{ private IPeople people; @Inject public BloodImpl(@Inject IPeople people) { System.out.println("Blood 构造函数被调用."); this.people = people; } }
public interface IPeople { } public class PeopleImpl implements IPeople{ private IBlood blood; @Inject public PeopleImpl(@Inject IBlood blood){ System.out.println("People 构造函数被调用 "); this.blood = blood; } }
public interface InternalFactory<T> extends Serializable { T create(); }
public enum Scope { DEFAULT { @Override public <T> InternalFactory<? extends T> scopeFactory(String name,final InternalFactory<? extends T> factory) { return new InternalFactory<T>() { // 这是一个局部内部内对象 public T create() { return factory.create(); //同一个方法scopeFactory中的局部变量factory } }; } }; public abstract <T> InternalFactory<? extends T> scopeFactory(String name,InternalFactory<? extends T> factory); }
public class Manager { final static Map<String, InternalFactory<?>> factories = new HashMap<String, InternalFactory<?>>(); public <T> void factory(String name,Scope scopet) { InternalFactory<? extends T> factory = new InternalFactory<T>() { public T create() { return (T) new PeopleImpl(); } }; final InternalFactory<? extends T> scopedFactory = scopet.scopeFactory(name, factory); factories.put(name, scopedFactory); } public static void main(String[] args) { new Manager().factory("mazhi", Scope.DEFAULT); InternalFactory<IPeople> x = (InternalFactory<IPeople>) factories.get("mazhi"); x.create(); } }
class ConstructionContext<T> { List<DelegatingInvocationHandler<T>> invocationHandlers; Object createProxy(Class<? super T> expectedType) { // if I create a proxy which implements all the interfaces of // the implementation type, I‘ll be able to get away with one proxy // instance (as opposed to one per caller ). // JDK只支持接口的代理,不支持类的代理 if (!expectedType.isInterface()) { System.out.println("不是接口"); } if (invocationHandlers == null) { invocationHandlers = new ArrayList<DelegatingInvocationHandler<T>>(); } // Java的代理类 DelegatingInvocationHandler<T> invocationHandler = new DelegatingInvocationHandler<T>(); invocationHandlers.add(invocationHandler); return Proxy.newProxyInstance( expectedType.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { expectedType }, // 一组interfaces invocationHandler ); } void setProxyDelegates(T delegate) { if (invocationHandlers != null) { for (DelegatingInvocationHandler<T> invocationHandler : invocationHandlers) { invocationHandler.setDelegate(delegate); } } } static class DelegatingInvocationHandler<T> implements InvocationHandler { T delegate; public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)throws Throwable { if (delegate == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Not finished constructing. Please don‘t call methods on this" + " object until the caller‘s construction is complete."); } try { return method.invoke(delegate, args);// delegate表示希望被代理的对象 } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw e.getTargetException(); } } void setDelegate(T delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } } }
interface A{ public void tt(); } class B implements A{ public void tt() { System.out.println("调用了我"); } } class C { private A b; @Inject public C(A b){ this.b = b; } public void print(){; } }
@Target({ METHOD, CONSTRUCTOR, FIELD, PARAMETER }) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface Inject { String value() default "default"; boolean required() default true; }
public class TestJDKProxy { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new TestJDKProxy().test(); } public void test() throws Exception{ ConstructionContext constructionContext = new ConstructionContext(); Object obj = constructionContext.createProxy(struts2.learn.jdk.A.class); Constructor cn = findConstructorIn(struts2.learn.jdk.C.class); Object tempC = cn.newInstance(new Object[]{obj}); // 先获取接口代理对象并注入C中 System.out.println(cn); constructionContext.setProxyDelegates(new B()); // 随后还需要将真正的被代理对象设置进去 ((C)tempC).print(); } private Constructor findConstructorIn(Class implementation) { Constructor found = null; Constructor[] declaredConstructors = (Constructor[]) implementation.getDeclaredConstructors(); for (Constructor constructor : declaredConstructors) { if (constructor.getAnnotation(Inject.class) != null) { if (found != null) { // 不能有多于一个构造函数上标有@Inject注解 throw new DependencyException("More than one constructor annotated with @Inject found in " + implementation + "."); } found = constructor; } } if (found != null) { return found; } // If no annotated constructor is found, look for a no-arg constructor instead. try { return implementation.getDeclaredConstructor(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new DependencyException("Could not find a suitable constructor" + " in " + implementation.getName() + "."); } } }