SDK Manager failed to install 'java.exe' locking directory


I have ran into a curious error when trying to update Android SDK Tools to revision 21 from revision 20.0.3. The ADT plug-in updated properly so now I am at a stand still until resolved.

The initial error I got listed cmd.exe & java.exe as locking the directory, I forced closed cmd.exe and got this:

If I force close java.exe then obviously my SDK Manager closes.

SDK Manager Log:

This is my work computer so I‘d really like to avoid any down-time resulting from a reboot, just curious if anyone has come across this issue and been able to resolve.

I have tried closing Eclispe and running SDK Manager from the file directory, same issue, I read that someone had experienced this while having the directory opened so I closed and still, same issue. Any help is appreciated.

Version: 3.7.2
Build id: M20120208-0800


Fresh reboot did NOT resolve.

android android-sdk-tools

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edited Nov 27 ‘12 at 16:23

asked Nov 27 ‘12 at 15:28




android.bat has the comment Copy android.bat and its required libs to a temp dir. This avoids locking the tool dir in case the user is trying to update it. The Android tools are terrible. :(
May 11 ‘13 at 19:29

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I resolved this by copying my \tools folder, naming the copy \toolsCopy. Then I ran android.bat from the \toolsCopy folder with Administrator privileges.

Running the SDK manager from \tools locked the renaming of the \tools directory, for obvious reasons. SMH

SDK Manager failed to install 'java.exe' locking directory

时间: 2024-10-18 16:28:49

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