A:本脚本运行的机器,Linux RHEL6
B,C,D,...:待安装zookeeper cluster的机器, Linux RHEL6
$ ./install_zookeeper
B, C, D机器必须配置好repo,本脚本使用的是cdh5的repo, 下面的内容保存到:/etc/yum.repos.d/cloudera-cdh5.repo:
[cloudera-cdh5] # Packages for Cloudera‘s Distribution for Hadoop, Version 5, on RedHat or CentOS 6 x86_64 name=Cloudera‘s Distribution for Hadoop, Version 5 baseurl=http://archive.cloudera.com/cdh5/redhat/6/x86_64/cdh/5/ gpgkey = http://archive.cloudera.com/cdh5/redhat/6/x86_64/cdh/RPM-GPG-KEY-cloudera gpgcheck = 1 enabled = 1
自动安装脚本将自动在B,C,D机器上安装好zookeeper, 配置好相关配置文件。但没有启动它们。支持1,3,5,7个服务器。
#!/bin/bash # # @file # install_zookeeper.sh # # @date # 2014-12-21 # # @author # [email protected] # # @version # 0.0.1pre # # @usage # ./install_zookeeper.sh ################################################################################ #*********************************************************** # split_to_array # split string into array #*********************************************************** function split_to_array() { OLD_IFS="$IFS" IFS="$2" array=($1) IFS="$OLD_IFS" } #*********************************************************** # install_zookeeper # install zookeeper on 1, 3 or 5 servers # # Parameters: # clientPort - the port at which the clients will connect to # servers - varying arguments: 1, 3, 5, up to 7 # "zkServer:serverPort:appPort" # zkServer - ipaddr of zookeeper server # serverPort - communication port for zookeeper servers # appPort - communication port between zookeeper with other applications # # Example: # 1) install_zookeeper 2181 zk1 zk2 zk3 # 2) install_zookeeper 2181 # 3) install_zookeeper "2181" "" "" "" # 4) install_zookeeper "2181:/var/lib/zookeeper" "" "" "" #*********************************************************** ERR_INVALID_ZK_SERVERS=1001 function install_zookeeper() { echo -e "<INFO> install zookeeper on cluster ..." #chk_root local ret clientPort dataDir len i ZOO_CFG server serverPort appPort destip destlogin serverPort=2888 appPort=3888 # parse the first argument split_to_array $1 ":" # the port at which the clients will connect clientPort=${array[0]} # the directory where the snapshot is stored dataDir="/var/lib/zookeeper" if [ ${#array[*]} -eq 2 ]; then dataDir=${array[1]} fi echo -e "<INFO> clientPort: $clientPort" echo -e "<INFO> dataDir: $dataDir" # zookeeper configure file ZOO_CFG="/usr/lib/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg" # get list of servers: args shift local argc=$# if [ $argc -eq 1 -o $argc -eq 3 -o $argc -eq 5 -o $argc -eq 7 ]; then echo -e "<INFO> zookeeper servers in cluster: [$argc]" else echo -e "<ERROR> invalid zookeeper servers: [$argc]" exit $ERR_INVALID_ZK_SERVERS; fi local argv="[email protected]" OLD_IFS="$IFS" IFS=" " local args=($argv) IFS="$OLD_IFS" # array variable local ipaddrs=() local servers=() local sid=0 for a in ${args[@]} do let sid++ # check if server format is either of: # serverIP # or: # serverIP:serverPort:appPort split_to_array $a ":" serverIP=${array[0]} if [ ${#array[*]} -ne 3 ]; then a="$serverIP:$serverPort:$appPort"; fi local server="server.$sid=$a" servers[sid-1]=$server echo $server ipaddrs[sid-1]=$serverIP done # output array to one line string: echo ${servers[@]} # get length of array len=${#servers[*]} i=0 while [ $i -lt $len ] do let sid=i+1 destip=${ipaddrs[$i]} [email protected]$destip echo -e "<INFO> configuring server.$sid: $destip ...\c" ret=`ssh $destlogin "yum install -y zookeeper zookeeper-server && service zookeeper-server init --myid=$sid"` ret=`ssh $destlogin "echo ‘#!{{[email protected]==>‘ >> $ZOO_CFG"` for s in ${servers[*]} do ret=`ssh $destlogin "echo ‘$s‘ >> $ZOO_CFG"` done ret=`ssh $destlogin "echo ‘#!<[email protected]}}‘ >> $ZOO_CFG"` echo -e "OK." let i++ done echo "<INFO> zookeeper cluster installation completed successfully!" } #======================================================================= install_zookeeper "2181" "" "" ""
install_zookeeper "2181" "" "" ""
$ /usr/lib/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh start-foreground
时间: 2024-12-15 01:33:36