Mac - 印象笔记开发者



-- This script includes examples for using AppleScript to perform several

-- useful tasks with Evernote.

-- Each section illustrates a chunk of Evernote‘s AppleScript interface,

-- and each section also cleans up after itself.

-- Please refer to the Evernote application‘s scripting dictionary for

-- detailed information and BE CAREFUL: operations that would normally

-- confirmation from the user (such as deleting notes, etc) are

-- completed without warning when invoked from AppleScript!

tell application "Evernote"

-- create, rename, and delete notebooks

if (not (notebook named "AppleScriptNotebook1" exists)) then

-- NOTE also check out the "create notebook" command

make notebook with properties {name:"AppleScriptNotebook1"}

end if

set name of notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1" to "AppleScriptNotebook2"

-- WARNING there is no confirmation!

delete notebook "AppleScriptNotebook2"


-- create, rename, and delete tags

if (not (tag named "AppleScriptTag1" exists)) then

make tag with properties {name:"AppleScriptTag1"}

-- create a sub-tag

make tag with properties {name:"AppleScriptTag2", parent:tag named "AppleScriptTag1"}

end if

set name of tag "AppleScriptTag1" to "AppleScriptTag3"

-- WARNING there is no confirmation, and all subtags are deleted as well!

delete tag "AppleScriptTag3"


-- create notes, four ways

-- 1: with plain text

set notebook1 to create notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

create note title "Note 1" with text "Here is my new text note" notebook notebook1

-- 2: with html

create note title "Note 2" with html "<strong>Here is my new HTML note</strong>" notebook notebook1

-- 3: with the data from a URL

create note title "Note 3" from url "" notebook notebook1

-- 4: with the data from a file

create note title "Note 4" from file "/path/to/a/file.txt" notebook notebook1

-- cleanup

delete notebook1


-- move note between notebooks

create notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

create notebook "AppleScriptNotebook2"

create note title "Note 1" with text "Moving note" notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

move note 1 of notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1" to notebook "AppleScriptNotebook2"

-- cleanup

delete notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

delete notebook "AppleScriptNotebook2"


-- delete individual notes

create notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

create note title "Note 1" with text "Delete this note!" notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

delete note 1 of notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

-- cleanup

delete notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"


-- assign, unnasign tags

create notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

set note1 to create note title "Note 1" with text "Note 1" notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

set note2 to create note title "Note 2" with text "Note 2" notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

set note3 to create note title "Note 3" with text "Note 3" notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

set tag1 to make tag with properties {name:"AppleScriptTag1"}

set tag2 to make tag with properties {name:"AppleScriptTag2", parent:tag named "AppleScriptTag1"}

set tag3 to make tag with properties {name:"AppleScriptTag3", parent:tag named "AppleScriptTag1"}

assign tag1 to note1

assign {tag2, tag3} to {note2, note3}

unassign tag1 from note1

unassign {tag2, tag3} from {note2, note3}

-- cleanup

delete notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

delete tag "AppleScriptTag1"


-- open a note in its own window

set notebook1 to create notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

set note1 to create note with text "Note 1" notebook notebook1

open note window with note1

-- cleanup

delay (3) -- wait to be sure new window has opened

close window 1

delete notebook1


-- change the query used in a note collection window

-- (assumes the default note collection window is open and is window 1)

set notebook1 to create notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

set note1 to create note with text "ONLY ME!" notebook notebook1

set query string of window 1 to "notebook:AppleScriptNotebook1"

-- cleanup

delete notebook1


-- open a new collection window with a specific query

set notebook1 to create notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

set note1 to create note with text "ONLY ME!" notebook notebook1

open collection window with query string "notebook:AppleScriptNotebook1"

-- cleanup

delay (3) -- wait to be sure new window has opened

close window 1

delete notebook1


-- append data to a note

set notebook1 to create notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

set note1 to create note with text "foo" notebook notebook1

tell note1 to append html "<strong>bar</strong>"

tell note1 to append text "baz"

-- cleanup

delete notebook1


-- execute a query and manipulate every note in the result

-- for details on the query syntax, see our Search Grammar overview

-- at

set notebook1 to create notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

set note1 to create note with text "An apple is a fruit" notebook notebook1

set note2 to create note with text "An Apple is a computer" notebook notebook1

set note3 to create note with text "An orange is a fruit" notebook notebook1

set note4 to create note with text "An Amiga is a computer" notebook notebook1

set tag1 to make tag with properties {name:"AppleScriptTag1"}

set matches to find notes "notebook:AppleScriptNotebook1 apple"

assign tag1 to matches

-- cleanup

delete tag1

delete notebook1


-- do something with the application‘s selected notes

set notebook1 to create notebook "AppleScriptNotebook1"

set note1 to create note with text "Note 1" notebook notebook1

set note2 to create note with text "Note 2" notebook notebook1

open collection window with query string "notebook:AppleScriptNotebook1"

set tag1 to make tag with properties {name:"AppleScriptTag1"}

delay (3) -- be sure the new window has opened

-- normally, a script would be activated to take action when the user had

-- made a selection, rather than this artificial demonstration

set noteList to selection

assign tag1 to noteList

-- note: the application‘s ‘selection‘ property returns the same result as

-- the selection of window 1, if any

-- cleanup

close window 1

delete tag1

delete notebook1


-- please refer to the Evernote application‘s scripting dictionary

-- for complete details on the Evernote AppleScript interface

end tell

时间: 2024-10-12 21:04:41

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