
报了coursera的algorithms, part I课程,第一周的编程作业是Percolation。做出来并不难,但就是有一个backwash的情况。刚开始想用两个UF实例做,但是checklists里明显说了可以用一个UF实例完成,百思不得其解。搜索discussion forum发现这里讲了如何用一个UF解决backwash的思路,循着思路终于写出了代码。

 1 public class Percolation {
 2     // 0: block 1: open 2: connected to top 4: connected to bottom
 3     private byte[] lattice;
 4     private WeightedQuickUnionUF uf;
 5     private int size;
 6     private boolean percolate;
 8     public Percolation(int N) {
 9         if (N <= 0) throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
10         size = N;
11         uf = new WeightedQuickUnionUF(N*N);
12         lattice = new byte[N*N];
13         percolate = false;
14     }
16     public void open(int i, int j) {
17         validate(i, j);
18         int position = xyTo1D(i, j);
19         if ((lattice[position] & 1) == 0) {
20             int uPosition = xyTo1D(i-1, j);
21             int dPosition = xyTo1D(i+1, j);
22             int lPosition = xyTo1D(i, j-1);
23             int rPosition = xyTo1D(i, j+1);
24             if (dPosition >= size*size)
25                 dPosition = -1;
26             if (j == 1)
27                 lPosition = -1;
28             if (j == size)
29                 rPosition = -1;
30             int[] positions = {uPosition, dPosition, lPosition, rPosition};
31             int[] stats = new int[4];
32             for (int idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) {
33                 int p = positions[idx];
34                 if ((p >= 0) && ((lattice[p] & 1) == 1)) {
35                     stats[idx] = lattice[uf.find(p)];
36                     uf.union(position, p);
37                 }
38             }
39             int root = uf.find(position);
40             for (int idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) {
41                 lattice[root] |= stats[idx];
42             }
43             lattice[position] |= 1;
44             if (i == 1) lattice[root] |= 2;
45             if (i == size) lattice[root] |= 4;
46             if ((lattice[root] & 7) == 7) percolate = true;
47         }
48     }
50     public boolean isOpen(int i, int j) {
51         validate(i, j);
52         return (lattice[xyTo1D(i, j)] & 1) == 1;
53     }
55     public boolean isFull(int i, int j) {
56         validate(i, j);
57         return (lattice[uf.find(xyTo1D(i, j))] & 3) == 3;
58     }
60     public boolean percolates() {
61         return percolate;
62     }
64     private void validate(int i, int j) {
65         if (i < 1 || i > size || j < 1 || j > size)
66             throw new java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException();
67     }
69     private int xyTo1D(int i, int j) {
70         return (i - 1) * size + j - 1;
71     }
72 }


时间: 2024-10-09 21:39:43


AlgorithmsI Programming Assignment 1: Percolation

3种版本的答案,第一种使用virtual top and bottom site, 但有backwash的问题,解决这个问题有两种方法: 1. 使用2个WQUUF, 但会增加memory. One for checking if the system percolates(include virtual top and bottom), and the other to check if a given cell is full(only include virtual top). 而且要注意,

Programming Assignment 1: Percolation

问题描述可以详见: 关于QuickFindUF的javadoc: 关于WeightedQuickUnionUF的javadoc:


题目正文: 作业难点: 1.backwash(倒灌)的判断,如果不使用另一个WeightedUnionFind对象,要在要求的时间和空间范围内实现是很困难的 和论坛里的学生一样,尝试只只使用上部的虚拟节点,下部判断联通使用循环+break,提交后不满足时间复杂度要求 你也可以不考虑backwash这种情况,因为backwash对连通性并没有直接影响 2.Unio

Coursera Algorithms Programming Assignment 1: Percolation

题目来源 作业分为两部分:建立模型和仿真实验. 最关键的部分就是建立模型对象.模型对象要求如下: The model.  We model a percolation system using an n-by-n grid of sites. Each site is either open or blocked. A full site is an open s

[Algorithms(Princeton)] Week1 - Percolation

1 public class Percolation { 2 private boolean[] openSites; 3 private int gridN; 4 private WeightedQuickUnionUF UF; 5 private WeightedQuickUnionUF UFfull; 6 7 public Percolation(int N) { 8 if (N <= 0) { 9 throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(

Assignment 1 :Percolation

最初版本的实现十分容易,采用课程的提示,在UF中添加 virtual top site 和 virtual bottom site,并采用的是用一个boolean数组op跟踪一个site是否打开,如果未打开,则调用open函数. 但是这样会出现 backwash 问题,即 percolates 后一个site实际并没有连接top却也显示full(原因是这个site通过virtual bottom site 连接 virtual top site),要解决这个问题,思路是full函数中怎样让一个s


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AlgorithmsI Programming Assignment 1:

import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut; import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdRandom; import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdStats; /* *How do I generate a site uniformly at random among all blocked sites for use in PercolationStats? * Pick a site at random (by u