Hibernate更新数据报错:a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session: [com.elec.domain.ElecCommonMsg#297e35035c28c368015c28c3e6780001]


 Struts has detected an unhandled exception:

           a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session: [com.elec.domain.ElecCommonMsg#297e35035c28c368015c28c3e6780001]
           a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session: [com.elec.domain.ElecCommonMsg#297e35035c28c368015c28c3e6780001];
           nested exception is org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session:


     * @Name  saveElecCommonMsg
     * @Description: 保存运行监控表的数据
     * @author kj
     * @version: V1.00
     * @create Date: 2017-05-21
     * @Parameters: saveElecCommonMsg:VO对象
     * @return 无
     * 此处需要保存或者更新,要加上事务
    public void saveElecCommonMsg(ElecCommonMsg elecCommonMsg) {
//        1.查询数据库运行监控表的数据,返回List,用来判断数据是否存在
        List<ElecCommonMsg> list = elecCommonMsgDao.findCollectionByConditionNoPage("", null, null);
        if(list != null && list.size() > 0 ){

            ElecCommonMsg cmg = list.get(0);
            elecCommonMsg.setCreateDate(new Date());

原因是:使用update更新(Session中不允许出现2个相同的OID),所以此处改用 使用快照进行更新


     * @Name  saveElecCommonMsg
     * @Description: 保存运行监控表的数据
     * @author kj
     * @version: V1.00
     * @create Date: 2017-05-21
     * @Parameters: saveElecCommonMsg:VO对象
     * @return 无
     * 此处需要保存或者更新,要加上事务
    public void saveElecCommonMsg(ElecCommonMsg elecCommonMsg) {
//        1.查询数据库运行监控表的数据,返回List,用来判断数据是否存在
        List<ElecCommonMsg> list = elecCommonMsgDao.findCollectionByConditionNoPage("", null, null);
        if(list != null && list.size() > 0 ){
            ElecCommonMsg ecg = list.get(0);
            ecg.setCreateDate(new Date());

                elecCommonMsg.setCreateDate(new Date());

时间: 2024-10-07 06:52:42

Hibernate更新数据报错:a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session: [com.elec.domain.ElecCommonMsg#297e35035c28c368015c28c3e6780001]的相关文章

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