var x, y
var drag_ = false
var D = new Function(‘obj‘, ‘return document.getElementById(obj);‘)
var IE = new Function(
‘if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Explorer")>=0)return 1;if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape")>=0)return 2‘)
function Move_obj(obj) {// 1
D(obj).onmousedown = function(e) {
drag_ = true// 4
with (this) {
style.position = "absolute";
temp1 = offsetLeft;
temp2 = offsetTop;// 5
if (IE() == 1) {
x = event.clientX;
y = event.clientY// 6
document.onmousemove = function(e) {// 7
if (drag_ == false)
return false
with (this) {
style.left = temp1 + event.clientX - x + "px"; = temp2 + event.clientY - y + "px"
}// 7
}// 6
if (IE() == 2) {
x = e.pageX;
y = e.pageY;// 8
document.onmousemove = function(e) {// 9
if (drag_ == false)
return false
with (this) {
style.left = temp1 + e.pageX - x + "px"; = temp2 + e.pageY - y + "px"
}// 9
}// 8
}// 5
document.onmouseup = new Function("drag_=false")
}// 4
}// 1
<div class="add" id="add" onmouseover=‘Move_obj("add")‘>拉拽控件</div>