OPENGL es版本和OGL 及android关系

OpenGL ES 1.0 and 1.1 - This API specification is supported by Android 1.0 and higher. 固定管线。

OpenGL ES 2.0 - This API specification is supported by Android 2.2 (API level 8) and higher.

2.0 1.10

对应GLSL 1.10全面支持Shader编程。

OpenGL 2.0 (2004)

Addition Promoted from
Shader objects ARB_shader_objects, heavily modified
Shader programs ARB_vertex_shader, ARB_fragment_shader, heavily modified
Shading language 1.10 ARB_shading_language_100, heavily modified
Multiple render targets ARB_draw_buffers
Non-power-of-two textures ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
Point sprites ARB_point_sprite
Separate stencil ATI_separate_stencil, EXT_stencil_two_side

OpenGL ES 3.0 - This API specification is supported by Android 4.3 (API level 18) and higher.借鉴了OGL 3.2 3.3 OGL4.0-4.3有Shader Mode 4.0-5.0功能。

The OpenGL ES 3.0 specification[10] was
publicly released in August 2012.[11] OpenGL
ES 3.0 is backwards compatible with OpenGL ES 2.0, enabling applications to incrementally add new visual features to applications.
OpenGL 4.3 provides full compatibility with OpenGL ES 3.0.

New functionality in the OpenGL ES 3.0 specification includes:

  • multiple enhancements to the rendering
     to enable acceleration of advanced visual effects including: occlusion queries, transform feedback, instanced
     and support for four or more rendering targets,
  • high quality ETC2 / EAC texture
     as a standard feature, eliminating the need for a different set of textures for
    each platform,
  • a new version of the GLSL ES shading language[12] with
    full support for integer and 32-bit floating
  • greatly enhanced texturing functionality including guaranteed
    support for floating point textures, 3D textures, depth textures, vertex textures, NPOT textures,
    R/RG textures, immutable textures, 2D array textures, swizzlesLOD and mip
     clamps, seamless cube maps and sampler objects,
  • an extensive set of required, explicitly sized texture and
    render-buffer formats, reducing implementation variability and making it much easier to write portable applications.

OpenGL ES 3.1 - This API specification is supported by Android 5.0 (API level 21) and higher.对应OGL 4.4 Shader Mode 5.0功能

Caution: Support of the OpenGL ES 3.0 API on a device requires an implementation of this graphics pipeline provided by the device manufacturer. A device running Android 4.3 or higher may not support the OpenGL ES 3.0 API. For information on checking what
version of OpenGL ES is supported at run time, see Checking OpenGL ES Version.

The OpenGL ES 3.1 specification[13] was
publicly released in March 2014. New functionality in OpenGL ES 3.1 includes:[14]

OpenGL ES 3.1 is backward compatible with OpenGL ES 2.0 and 3.0, thus enabling applications to incrementally incorporate new features.

OpenGL ES 3.2[edit]应该对应OGL
4.5 Shader Mode 5.0功能

OpenGL ES 3.2 works on the same hardware as OpenGL 3.1. It incorporates Android
Extension Pack
 (AEP) into it: "OpenGL ES 3.2 boasts a small number of improvements over last year’s OpenGL ES 3.1. Both make use of similar features from the AEP. From the AEP, OpenGL ES 3.2 compliant hardware will support Tessellation for additional geometry
detail, new geometry shaders, ASTC texture compression for a smaller memory bandwidth footprint, floating point render targets for high accuracy compute processes, and new debugging features for developers. These high-end features are already found in the
group’s full OpenGL 4 specification."[36][3]

Supported by:

  • Nvidia GeForce 400 series (Fermi) and newer (Windows, Linux)[37]

OpenGL SC 2.0 (planned 2016) and Vulkan/SPIR will converge in a "New Generation API for safety certifiable graphics AND compute".[3]

The OpenGL ES 3.2 specification[15] was
publicly released in August 2015. New capabilities in OpenGL ES 3.2 include:

  • Geometry and tessellation shaders to efficiently process complex scenes on the GPU.
  • Floating point render targets for increased flexibility in higher precision compute operations.
  • ASTC
     to reduce the memory footprint and bandwidth used to process textures.
  • Enhanced blending for sophisticated compositing and handling of multiple color attachments.
  • Advanced texture targets such as texture buffers, multisample 2D array and cube map arrays.
  • Debug and robustness features for easier code development and secure execution.


时间: 2024-08-05 03:22:59

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OpenGL ES入门详解

 1.决定你要支持的OpenGL ES的版本.目前,OpenGL ES包含1.1和2.0两个版本,iPhone 3G+和iPad开始支持OpenGL ES2.0.而且这两个版本之间的差异非常大,不仅仅在编程思想上,API之间的差距也很大.因此,如果你想使用OpenGL ES开发3D程序或游戏,那么首先就要决定使用哪个版本,还是说两个版本都支持.OpenGL ES定义了代表不同版本的宏: enum { kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES1 = 1,     //1.1版 kEAGL

OpenGL ES总结(一)OpenGL 初识

转载请把头部出处链接和尾部二维码一起转载,本文出自逆流的鱼yuiop: OpenGL是在图形图像中,非常优秀的渲染库,文中Demo下载地址:,看下今天的Agenda: OpenGL是什么? OpenGL主要功能是什么? OpenGL ES是什么? Android中如何描述OpenGL ES版本 映射坐标绘制对

[转] iOS OpenGL ES Guide

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Android OpenGL ES 应用(一)

OpenGL已经成了3D的一个"标准" 因为它能跨平台,接口也比较丰富,几乎大部分的手机3D游戏都和OpenGL有关系. 当然还有微软有direct X 但只能在微软平台上使用. OpenGL底层是c/c++实现,JAVA中使用都是用封装好的类库.Android提供了以下几个接口包 可使用,基本能达到3D技术的要求. Android平台用OpenGL ES 这个子集来处理图像,现在OpenGL ES基本用2.0的了,很少再用1.0的,3.0还未流行起来. 首先编写判断Android设备