LightOJ 1109 -1354 - IP Checking(字符串的处理)






 1 # include<cstdio>
 2 # include<iostream>
 3 # include<cstring>
 4 # include<cmath>
 6 using namespace std;
 8 # define MAX 50
10 char s1[MAX];
11 char s2[MAX];
12 int n1,n2,n3,n4;
13 string str;
15 int check()
16 {
17     int i = 0, temp = 0;
18     while ( str[i]!=‘.‘ )
19     {
20         temp*=2;
21         temp+=(str[i]-‘0‘);
22         i++;
23     }
24     if ( temp!= n1 )
25         return 0;
26     i++; temp = 0;
27     while ( str[i]!=‘.‘ )
28     {
29        temp*=2;
30        temp+=(str[i]-‘0‘);
31        i++;
32     }
33     if ( temp!=n2 )
34         return 0;
36     i++; temp = 0;
37     while ( str[i]!=‘.‘ )
38     {
39         temp*=2;
40         temp+=(str[i]-‘0‘);
41           i++;
42     }
43     if ( temp!=n3 )
44         return 0;
45     i++; temp = 0;
46     while ( str[i]!=‘\0‘ )
47     {
48         temp*=2;
49         temp+=(str[i]-‘0‘);
50           i++;
51     }
52     if ( temp!=n4 )
53         return 0;
54     return 1;
55 }
58 int main(void)
59 {
60     int icase = 1;
61     int t;cin>>t;
62     while ( t-- )
63     {
64         scanf("%d.%d.%d.%d",&n1,&n2,&n3,&n4);
65         cin>>str;
66         int flag = check();
67         printf("Case %d: ",icase++);
68         if ( flag )
69             cout<<"Yes"<<endl;
70         else
71             cout<<"No"<<endl;
72     }
74     return 0;
75 }
时间: 2024-08-25 03:21:59

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