Principal axis theorem 主轴理论

Principal axis

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In the mathematical fields
of geometry and linear
, a principal
 is a certain line
in a Euclidean space associated to an ellipsoid or hyperboloid, generalizing
the major and minor axes
of an ellipse
. The principal axis theorem states that the principal axes are
perpendicular, and gives a constructive procedure for finding them.

Mathematically, the
principal axis theorem is a generalization of the method of completing
the square
 from elementary
. In linear
 and functional
, the principal axis theorem is a geometrical counterpart of
the spectral theorem. It
has applications to the statistics of principal
components analysis
the singular
value decomposition
. In physics, the
theorem is fundamental to the study of angular momentum.




The equations in the Cartesian

define, respectively, an
ellipse and a hyperbola. In each case, the x and y axes
are the principal axes. This is easily seen, given that there are no cross-termsinvolving
products xy in
either expression. However, the situation is more complicated for equations

Here some method is required
to determine whether this is an ellipse or a hyperbola. The basic observation is
that if, by completing the square, the expression can be reduced to a sum of two
squares then it defines an ellipse, whereas if it reduces to a difference of two
squares then it is the equation of a hyperbola:

Thus, in our example
expression, the problem is how to absorb the coefficient of the cross-term
8xy into the
functions u and v. Formally, this problem is
similar to the problem of matrix
, where one tries to find a suitable coordinate system in
which the matrix of a linear transformation is diagonal. The first step is to
find a matrix in which the technique of diagonalization can be applied.

The trick is to write the
equation in the following form:

where the cross-term has
been split into two equal parts. The matrix A in
the above decomposition is a symmetric matrix. In
particular, by the spectral theorem, it
hasreal eigenvalues and is diagonalizable by an orthogonal matrix (orthogonally

To orthogonally
diagonalize A, one must
first find its eigenvalues, and then find an orthonormal eigenbasis.
Calculation reveals that the eigenvalues of A are

with corresponding

Dividing these by their
respective lengths yields an orthonormal eigenbasis:

Now the matrix S = [u1 u2]
is an orthogonal matrix, since it has orthonormal columns, and A is diagonalized by:

This applies to the present
problem of "diagonalizing" the equation through the observation that

Thus, the equation is that
of an ellipse, since it is the sum of two squares.

It is tempting to simplify
this expression by pulling out factors of 2. However, it is important not to
do this. The quantities

have a geometrical meaning.
They determine an orthonormal coordinate
 on R2. In other words, they are obtained from the
original coordinates by the application of a rotation (and possibly a
reflection). Consequently, one may use the c1 and c2 coordinates to make statements
about length and
length), which would otherwise be more difficult in a different choice of
coordinates (by rescaling them, for instance). For example, the maximum distance
from the origin on the ellipse c12 + 9c22 = 1 occurs when c2=0, so at the points c1=±1. Similarly, the minimum distance is
where c2=±1/3.

It is possible now to read
off the major and minor axes of this ellipse. These are precisely the individual
eigenspaces of the matrix A, since these are
where c2 = 0 orc1=0.
Symbolically, the principal axes are

To summarize:

  • The equation is for an ellipse, since both
    eigenvalues are positive. (Otherwise, if one were positive and the other
    negative, it would be a hyperbola.)

  • The principal axes are the lines spanned by
    the eigenvectors.

  • The minimum and maximum distances to the
    origin can be read off the equation in diagonal form.

Using this information, it
is possible to attain a clear geometrical picture of the ellipse: to graph it,
for instance.

Formal statement[edit]

The principal
axis theorem
 concern quadratic
 in Rn, which are homogeneous
s of degree 2. Any quadratic form may be represented as

where A is a symmetric matrix.

The first part of the
theorem is contained in the following statements guaranteed by the spectral

  • The eigenvalues of A are real.

  • A is
    diagonalizable, and the eigenspaces of A are
    mutually orthogonal.

In particular, A is orthogonally diagonalizable,
since one may take a basis of each eigenspace and apply the Gram-Schmidt
 separately within
the eigenspace to obtain an orthonormal eigenbasis.

For the second part, suppose
that the eigenvalues of A are
λ1, ..., λn (possibly repeated according to their
algebraic multiplicities) and the corresponding orthonormal eigenbasis is u1,...,un. Then

where the ci are the coordinates with respect to
the given eigenbasis. Furthermore,

  • The i-th principal
     is the line
    determined by the n-1
    equations cj = 0, j ≠ i.
    This axis is the span of the vector ui.

Principal axis theorem 主轴理论,布布扣,

时间: 2024-12-18 23:04:30

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