
在一个时间点,从Server上查询到的系统Session的Wait type 截图


Occurs while the checkpoint task is waiting for the next checkpoint request.

Description:This wait type is when the background checkpoint process is idle waiting to be signaled that a new checkpoint request has been entered into the checkpoint queue.


Occurs when lazywriter tasks are suspended. This is a measure of the time spent by background tasks that are waiting. Do not consider this state when you are looking for user stalls.

Description:This wait type is when a lazywriter thread is sleeping between checking whether there is pressure on the buffer pool free list requiring buffer being freed (i.e. work for the lazywriter to do). There will generally be a 1 second wait for this type every 1 seconds for each lazywriter thread.



Description:This wait type is when the indirect checkpoint background process is sleeping between polls to discover a dirty page (i.e. a page in the buffer pool that has been modified). From experimentation, there will be one wait occurring every 100ms, with a duration of 100ms.


Occurs while the log writer task waits for work requests.

Description:This wait type is when the log writer thread (or one of the log writer threads, on 2016+) is waiting for something to do (either log to flush or a write to complete).


Occurs while the deadlock monitor waits to start the next deadlock search. This wait is expected between deadlock detections, and lengthy total waiting time on this resource does not indicate a problem.

Description:This wait type is when the background deadlock monitor is waiting between deadlock searches. The frequency between searches is usually 5 seconds, but the interval between searches will contract and expand based on how frequently deadlocks are occurring.


Used by the service control task while waiting for requests from the Service Control Manager. Long waits are expected and do not indicate a problem.

Description: This wait type is when the background control task in SQL Server is waiting to be told to shut the instance down. There will only be one wait of this type, which will show up with a zero wait time in sys.dm_os_wait_stats, but SPID 7 will show this wait type in sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks and sys.dm_exec_requests with an increasing wait time since the instance started.


Description: This wait type is when a thread is sleeping between checks for SQL Trace information to flush out to a trace file.


sys.dm_os_wait_stats (Transact-SQL)

SQL Server Wait Types Library

时间: 2024-12-17 10:47:54


SESSION运行原理(见过的比较好的SESSION介绍 转载)

1,设置sessio保存形式: [Session] session.save_handler = files 对应php函数:bool session_set_save_handler (callable $open , callable $close ,callable $read ,callable$write , callable $destroy , callable $gc [,callable $create_sid ] ) 2,session_start()是session机制的开


在编程里是会话的意思Session 对象存储特定用户会话所需的信息.这样,当用户在应用程序的 Web 页之间跳转时,存储在 Session 对象中的变量将不会丢失,而是在整个用户会话中一直存在下去. 当用户请求来自应用程序的 Web 页时,如果该用户还没有会话,则 Web 服务器将自动创建一个 Session 对象.当会话过期或被放弃后,服务器将终止该会话. Session 对象最常见的一个用法就是存储用户的首选项.例如,如果用户指明不喜欢查看图形,就可以将该信息存储在 Session 对象中.


1. 报表session与应用session 报表集成到项目中可能会有一个疑问就是系统应用和报表应用在一个web服务器下,那系统session和报表session是不是一个session呢?如果不是那会不会有冲突呢? 答案是:不是同一个session也不会起冲突,因为应用的session存放的是request请求等一些共享信息,而报表session存放的是访问报表的相关信息,如访问的是不是同一个模板等,两者是完全独立,所以不会冲突. 2. 报表开发工具FineReport中创建与关闭sessio


Session 是用于保持状态的基于 Web 服务器的方法,在 Web 服务器上保持用户的状态信息供在任何时间从任何页访问.Session 允许通过将对象存储在 Web 服务器的内存中在整个用户会话过程中保持任何对象.当我们使用用户名和密码登陆网站,系统会首先验证当前登陆用户是否合法,当合法后将用户名等相关信息保存在Session 中.登陆后点击进入某功能页面时,系统也会去判断当前你是否有访问权限,判断的方式是验证Session 中的内容是否正确. 在测试的过程中,怎样去测试Session 是否


本文来自有着丰富经验的大神和一个小白的对话! 为了阅读方便,小白代号Q, 大神代号W Q: 怎么实现session跨域? W: 别用系统session即可 Q: 那用什么session ?自己存session? W: 自己有啥不行吗 系统的方案是改配置,允许一些域. 不过没用直接自己处理会话来的干脆实际 会话信息就是你说的session 默认系统是跟域名绑定的.但是跨域的本质是后端多系统共享,所以在后端处理数据存取最为直接 路人甲: 现在不是流行 token吗 ? 这不就是一个另类的sessio


----------------------------------------| DedeCMS 产品使用说明 | ---------------------------------------- 一.平台需求1.Windows 平台:IIS/Apache/Nginx + PHP4/PHP5.2+/PHP5.3+ + MySQL4/5如果在windows环境中使用,建议用DedeCMS提供的DedeAMPZ套件以达到最佳使用性能. 2.Linux/Unix 平台Apache + PHP4/PH

Concepts:Request 和 Task

当SQL Server 引擎接收到用户发出的查询请求时,SQL Server执行优化器将查询请求(Request)和Task绑定,并为Task分配一个Workder,SQL Server申请操作系统的进程(Thread)来执行Worker.如果以并行的方式执行Request,SQL Server根据Max DOP(Maximum Degree Of Parallelism) 配置选项创建新的Child Tasks,SQL Server将Request和多个Task绑定:例如,如果Max DOP=


源地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/kerrycode/p/3636992.html ORACLE数据库会话有ACTIVE.INACTIVE.KILLED. CACHED.SNIPED五种状态.INACTIVE状态的会话表示此会话处于非活动.空闲.等待状态.例如PL/SQL Developer连接到数据库,执行一条SQL语句后,如果不继续执行SQL语句,那么此会话就处于INACTIVE状态.一般情况下,少量的INACTVIE会话对数据库并没有什么影响,如果由于程序设计等某些原因


一.在web.xml配制shiroFilter <!-- 配置Shiro过滤器,先让Shiro过滤系统接收到的请求 --> <!-- 这里filter-name必须对应applicationContext.xml中定义的<bean id="shiroFilter"/> --> <!-- 使用[/*]匹配所有请求,保证所有的可控请求都经过Shiro的过滤 --> <!-- 通常会将此filter-mapping放置到最前面(即其他fi