读取.csv文件2 需要导入junit-4.8.2.jar

package com.atpco.textload.util;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import javax.management.RuntimeErrorException;

public class MockDBDataGenerationUtil {
 private Map<String, ArrayList<String>> statementList;

  * Variable used to find statement ID
 private boolean readFileFromLocalDrive = false;

public MockDBDataGenerationUtil(String csvFileName) throws Exception {

private void setStatementList(String csvFileName) throws Exception {
  if (this.statementList == null) {
   statementList = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
  } else {

private void createSQLStatements(String csvFileName) throws Exception {
  BufferedReader bufRdr = null;
  if (this.readFileFromLocalDrive) {
   bufRdr = getBufferedReaderFormLocal(csvFileName);
  } else {
   bufRdr = getBufferedReader(csvFileName);
  String line = null;
  boolean bNewRecordInStatement = false;
  boolean bVariableNameInNewRecord = false;
  ArrayList<String> currStatement = null;
  String currStatementsID = "";
  String currTableNames = "";
  int size = 0;
  ArrayList<String> currVariableNames = new ArrayList<String>();
  ArrayList<String> currValues = new ArrayList<String>();

while ((line = bufRdr.readLine()) != null) {
   // keep a space for empty value
   String value = " ";
   // System.out.println(line);
   // pass empty line
   // Excel create empty line like
   // ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
   String tmp0 = line.replace(‘,‘, ‘ ‘);
   if (tmp0.trim().length() > 0) {
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, ",");
    int col = 0;
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
     value = st.nextToken();
     if (value.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("STATEMENT ID")) {
      bNewRecordInStatement = false;
      // set statement ID
      value = st.nextToken();
      currStatement = setStatement(value);
      currStatementsID = value;
      size = 0;
     } else if (value.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE NAME")) {
      // set table name
      value = st.nextToken();
      // next row will be variable names in a record
      bVariableNameInNewRecord = true;
      currTableNames = value;
     } else if (bVariableNameInNewRecord) {
      if (col == 0) {
       size = countVariables(line);
      if (value == null || value.trim().length() == 0) {
       if (col == size) {
        // last column has space(s)
        bVariableNameInNewRecord = false;
       } else {
        // Found empty name
        System.out.println("Found empty name - stop.");
      value = value.toUpperCase();
      if (col == size) {
       bVariableNameInNewRecord = false;
     } else {
      // next row will be record data
      bNewRecordInStatement = true;
    // create a new sql command
    if (bNewRecordInStatement) {
     // the line removed space for empty column that will
     // cause incorrect reading data problem
     String tmp = checkLine(line);
     st = new StringTokenizer(tmp, ",");
     // set record
     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      value = " ";
      if (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
       value = st.nextToken();
      if (bVariableNameInNewRecord) {
       if (i == size - 1) {
        // next row will be record data
        bVariableNameInNewRecord = false;
      } else {
       bNewRecordInStatement = true;
     // create one in current st
     String aSqlStr = createOneSqlInStatement(currStatementsID,
       currTableNames, currVariableNames, currValues);
     if (aSqlStr != null && aSqlStr.length() > 0) {
  // close the file

  * This method calculates the RUNDATE based on the Current Date + No. Days
  * passed in argument. The format of this input string is
  * "RUNDATE+<number of days>" where run date is current date.
  * @param value
  * @return DB2 Date format Sring (yyyy-mm-dd)
 public static String calculateRunDate(String value, String inputFormat) {
  String retValue = "";
  int numberOfDays = 0;
  try {
   if (value.indexOf("RUNDATE") != -1) {
    String tmpValue = value.substring(value.indexOf("RUNDATE") + 7,
    if (!"".equals(tmpValue)) {
     if (tmpValue.indexOf("+") != -1) {
      numberOfDays = new Integer(tmpValue.substring(
        tmpValue.indexOf("+") + 1, tmpValue.length())
     } else if (tmpValue.indexOf("-") != -1) {
      numberOfDays = -new Integer(tmpValue.substring(
        tmpValue.indexOf("-") + 1, tmpValue.length())
   // Get the current date
   // DateTime currDate = new DateTime();
   if (numberOfDays != 0) {
    // Add No. of days to the current date.
    // currDate.addDays(numberOfDays);
   // retValue = currDate.format(inputFormat);
  } catch (Exception ex) {
  return retValue.toString();

private static String calculateRunDateForDB(String value) {
  return "‘" + calculateRunDate(value, "yyyy-MM-dd") + "‘";

  * create SQL statements by using csv file
  * @param fileName
  * @return
 private String createAddSqlStatement(String tbNm, List<String> names,
   List<String> values) {
  String tmpNames = "";
  String tmpValues = "";
  int size = names.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
   String value = values.get(i);
   String name = names.get(i);
   // ignore empty value
   if (value.trim().length() > 0) {
    value = value.toUpperCase();
    if (value.indexOf("RUNDATE") != -1) {
     value = calculateRunDateForDB(value);
    if (tmpNames.length() > 0) {
     tmpNames += "," + name;
     tmpValues += "," + value;
    } else {
     tmpNames += name;
     tmpValues += value;
  String sqlStr = null;
  if (tmpNames.length() > 0 && tmpNames.length() > 0) {
   // do not create command without data
   sqlStr = "INSERT INTO " + tbNm + "(" + tmpNames + ")VALUES("
     + tmpValues + ");";
  return sqlStr;

private String createOneSqlInStatement(String stID, String currTableNames,
   List<String> currVariableNames, List<String> currValues) {
  String aSql = "";
  // if (stID.indexOf("CREATE") >= 0) {
  aSql = createAddSqlStatement(currTableNames, currVariableNames,
  // }
  return aSql;

  * check line read from csv file the line removed space for empty column
  * that will cause incorrect wrong reading data problem
  * @param line
  * @return String
 // the line removed space for empty column that will cause incorrect
 // wrong reading data problem
 private String checkLine(String line) {
  int pos = line.indexOf(‘,‘);
  int posNext = pos;
  while (pos >= 0) {
   posNext = line.indexOf(‘,‘, pos + 1);
   if (posNext - pos == 1) {
    // reset line "643, ‘ATP1CCQ‘,,08/01/2007"
    // back to "643, ‘ATP1CCQ‘, ,08/01/2007"
    line = line.replace(",,", ", ,");
    pos = line.indexOf(‘,‘, posNext + 1);
   } else {
    pos = posNext;
  return line;

  * count number of variables
  * @param line
  * @return int
 private int countVariables(String line) {
  int count = 0;
  int pos = line.indexOf(‘,‘);
  while (pos >= 0) {
   pos = line.indexOf(‘,‘, pos + 1);
  if (count >= 1) {
   // remove empty column(s) at end - e.g. line
   // ="FEET173_SG,CREATE_ID,CREATE_TS,DISUSE_DT,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
   while (line.charAt(line.length() - 1) == ‘,‘) {
    line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1);
   // count last non-empty column at end - e.g. line
   if (line.charAt(line.length() - 1) != ‘,‘) {
  return count;

  * count number of variables
  * @param line
  * @return int
 private ArrayList<String> setStatement(String stID) {
  // new statement
  ArrayList<String> statement = new ArrayList<String>();
  this.statementList.put(stID, statement);
  return statement;

private BufferedReader getBufferedReader(String csvFileName) {
  BufferedReader bufRdr = null;
  InputStream input = null;
  try {
   input = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(csvFileName);
  } catch (Exception e) {
   throw new RuntimeErrorException(null, "");
  if (input == null) {
   throw new RuntimeErrorException(null, "");
  bufRdr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input));
  return bufRdr;

private BufferedReader getBufferedReaderFormLocal(String csvFileName) {
  BufferedReader bufRdr = null;
  File file = new File(csvFileName);
  try {
   if (!file.exists()) {
    throw new Exception("csv file is not found under" + csvFileName);
   bufRdr = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
  } catch (Exception e) {
   // TODO Auto-generated catch block

return bufRdr;

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////

  * Executes a group of Insert sql(s) for a statementID - used by JUnit test
  * @param statementID
  * @param jdbcTemplate
 public void exceuteStatement(String statementID) {
  ArrayList<String> aStatement = this.statementList.get(statementID);
  for (Iterator<String> it = aStatement.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
   String insertSQL = it.next();
   // jdbcTemplate.execute(insertSQL);

  * clean test data to avoid duplication
  * @param JdbcTemplate
  * @param String
  * @return
 public void cleanTestData(String statementID) {
  ArrayList<String> aStatement = this.statementList.get(statementID);
  if (aStatement == null)
  for (Iterator<String> it = aStatement.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
   String insertSQL = it.next();

  * clean test data to avoid duplication duplication may stop test process.
  * For an insert SQL, create related delete SQL with same data except date
  * and time. Then run the delete before insert process. Example: insert SQL
  * related delete SQL delete from PARGRP.CXR_FLT_REST_986 where
  * CXR_FLT_986_TB_NO=888885 and D_OCC_CNT=1 and CREATE_ID=‘ATP1JXD‘ and
  * @param JdbcTemplate
  * @param String
  * @return
 private void cleanATestRecode(String sql_i) {
  boolean deleteDataFlag = false;
  String sqlStatement = "delete from ";
  int colNameBeginPos = sql_i.indexOf("INSERT INTO ");
  if (colNameBeginPos >= 0) {
   int colNameEndPos = sql_i.indexOf("(");
   // 12 is size of "INSERT INTO "
   if (colNameEndPos >= 12) {
    String tableName = sql_i.substring(colNameBeginPos + 12,
    if (tableName != null && tableName.length() > 0) {
     sqlStatement += tableName + " where ";
     String valueSeparater = "VALUES(";
     String separater1 = "";
     int colValueEndPos = 0;
     int colValueBeginPos = sql_i.indexOf(valueSeparater) + 1;
     while (colNameEndPos >= 0) {
      // get column name
      colNameBeginPos = colNameEndPos + 1;
      colNameEndPos = sql_i.indexOf(",", colNameBeginPos);
      // logger.debug("  colNameBeginPos="+colNameBeginPos+",colNameEndPos="+colNameEndPos);
      if (colNameEndPos < 0
        || colNameEndPos <= colNameBeginPos) {
      String name = sql_i.substring(colNameBeginPos,
      if (name != null && name.length() > 0) {
       // get column value
       colValueEndPos = sql_i.indexOf(",",
       if ("VALUES(".equalsIgnoreCase(valueSeparater)) {
        colValueBeginPos += 6;
       if (colValueEndPos < 0
         || colValueEndPos <= colValueBeginPos) {
        // System.out.println("!!!  colValueBeginPos="+colValueBeginPos+",colValueEndPos="+colValueEndPos);
       // 7 is size of "VALUES("
       String value = sql_i.substring(colValueBeginPos,
       if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
        // bypass date created by RUNDATE
        boolean bDate = isDate(value);
        if (!bDate
          && // isDate(value) &&
           // bypass CURRENT date and time
           // value
          !value.equalsIgnoreCase("CURRENT TIMESTAMP")
          && !value
            .equalsIgnoreCase("CURRENT DATE")) {
         sqlStatement += separater1 + name;

sqlStatement += "=" + value;
         deleteDataFlag = true;
        colValueBeginPos = colValueEndPos + 1;
        separater1 = " and ";
        valueSeparater = ",";
       } else {
  if (deleteDataFlag) {
   System.out.println("run sqlStatement=" + sqlStatement);
   // jdbcTemplate.execute(sqlStatement);

  * Check a date value with format as ‘2010-12-29‘ or ‘2010-12-29 2:47:32 PM‘
  * @param String
  * @return boolean
 private boolean isDate(String value) {
  boolean bDate = false;
  String tmp = value.trim().replaceAll("‘", "");
  if (tmp.trim().length() == 10) {
   tmp = tmp.replaceAll("-", "");
   if (isNumericString(tmp)) {
    bDate = true;
  return bDate;

public static boolean isNumericString(String paramString) {
  try {
   return true;
  } catch (Exception localException) {
  return false;

时间: 2024-07-29 05:29:44

读取.csv文件2 需要导入junit-4.8.2.jar的相关文章

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