


题目的意思就是给你p,e,i,d。(n + d)% 23 = p,(n + d) % 28 = e,(n + d) % 33 = i。求最小n。

将n+d看成一个整体,m =n + d。


先使 28 * 33 * a % 23 = 1,求出a,x = 28 * 33 * a;

使 23 * 33 * b % 28 = 1,求出b,y = 23 * 33 * b;

使23 * 28 * c % 33 = 1,求出c,z = 23* 28 * c;

m = (p*x + e*y + i*z)% (23,28,33)的最小公倍数。

先求出x ,y,z。

<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>int x, y, z;
	int a = 1;
	while((28 * 33 * a % 23) != 1)
	x = 28 * 33 * a;
	a = 1;
	while((23 * 33 * a % 28) != 1)
	y = 23 * 33 * a;
	a = 1;
	while((23 * 28 * a % 33) != 1)
	z = 23 * 28 * a;
	cout << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl;

求出的x = 5544,y = 14421,z = 1288.

k = lcm(23, 28,33),k = 21252


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
	int p, e, i, d, count = 1;
	int k = 21252;
	int x = 5544, y = 14421, z = 1288;
	while(cin >> p >> e >> i >> d)
		if(p == -1 && e == -1 && i == -1 && d == -1)
		int m = (p * x + y * e + z * i) % k;
		if(m - d == 0)
			m = 21252;
		else if(m - d < 0)
			m = m - d;
			m += 21252;
			m -= d;
		cout << "Case " << count++ << ": the next triple peak occurs in " << m << " days." << endl;
	return 0;


时间: 2024-07-31 13:03:45


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POJ 1006 中国剩余定理

[题意]: 给定p,e,i,d,求解 (x + d) % 23 = p (x + d) % 28 = e(x + d) % 33 = i x最小正整数值 [知识点]: 中国剩余定理 [题解]: 典型的 xmodmi = ai模型,其中mi间两两互素.但该题式子较少,也可以直接自己化简带入值. [代码]: 1 #include <map> 2 #include <set> 3 #include <cmath> 4 #include <ctime> 5 #inc