Delphi 和 C++Builder 2014年及以后技术路线图


Delphi 和 C++Builder 2014年及以后技术路线图

2014-03-08 18:47

RAD Studio, Delphi C++Builder 2014年及以后技术路线图

By: Embarcadero News

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Abstract: Features and Technologies Expected in 2014 and beyond


Disclaimer: The information included in this roadmap does not constitute, and should not be construed as, a promise or commitment by Embarcadero to develop, market or deliver any particular product, feature or function. The timing and content of Embarcadero’s future product releases could differ materially from the expectations discussed here. Embarcadero reserves the right to change its product plans or roadmap at any time.

免责声明:包括在这个路线图中的信息并不构成且不应被解释为英巴卡迪诺开发、市场或交付和任何特定的产品的承诺或保证,特性或功能。 Embarcadero公司的未来产品发布时间和内容可能与这里所讨论的预期产生重大差异。 Embarcadero公司在任何时间保留改变其产品计划或路线图的权利。

Features and Technologies Delivered in 2013


During 2013, the primary goal of the RAD Studio team was to deliver native ARM compilers and libraries targeting the iOS and Android mobile platforms, which we achieved in the XE4 and XE5 versions. Specifically, we have released Delphi for both iOS (XE4) and Android (XE5) and C++Builder for iOS (XE5 Update 2). Mobile support includes the FMX platform, the familiar RTL, database access components (now including FireDAC), and on-device databases. In addition, developers using Delphi and C++Builder can target Mac OS X with the FMX platform and Windows (both Win32 and Win64) with either the FMX platform or the VCL library.

在2013年,公司的RAD Studio团队的主要目标是提供针对iOS和Android移动平台原生的ARM编译器和库,我们在XE4和XE5版本实现。具体来说,我们已经发布了 Delphi的IOS(XE4)和Android(XE5)和C + + Builder的iOS(XE5更新2)。手机支持包括在FMX平台中,熟悉的RTL、数据库访问组件(现在包括FireDAC),以及移动设备上的数据 库。此外, Delphi和C ++ Builder的开发者可以使用FMX的平台针对Mac OS X开发,并且无论是与FMX平台或VCL库,都可以进行Windows(Win32和Win64的)开发。

Here is a summary of the key features added to RAD Studio in 2013:

下面添加的是RAD Studio2013的主要特点概述:

  • Delphi and C++ native ARM toolchains for iOS (compiler, linker, debugger)

Delphi和C + +的原生的ARM工具链的iOS(编译器,链接器,调试器)

  • Delphi native ARM toolchain for Android (compiler, linker, debugger)


  • FMX platform for Android and iOS, including RTL and database support, and enabling direct interaction with mobile device sensors and native APIs

支持Android和iOS的FMX平台 ,包括RTL和数据库支持、直接与移动设备的传感器互动和原生APIs

  • Embedded InterBase for mobile platforms (iOS and Android), in the free IBLite edition and the enhanced InterBase ToGo edition.

嵌入式的InterBase移动平台( iOS和Android ) ,有免费IBLite版和增强的InterBase ToGo版。

  • New FireDAC universal data access library supporting all major RDBMS and a brand new REST client library for connecting with REST and cloud libraries for both FMX and VCL


  • iOS 7 support, made available with Apple’s release

iOS 7 的支持,提供可用于苹果的发布


Features and Technologies Expected in 2014


The main themes for RAD Studio in 2014 are the additions of C++ for Android, quality, performance, and architectural improvements, an enhanced single-source multi-device designer and runtime, and enhancements of the remoting and multi-tier architecture for enterprise applications. We also anticipate delivering several new VCL components and features.

在2014年RAD Studio的主要主题是为C + +增加Android支持、质量、性能和架构的改进,增强的单源多设备设计和运行时,以及增强远程处理和多层架构的企业应用程序的功能。我们预期也会提供一些新的VCL组件和功能。

Here are some of the technologies and features we are working on and expect to release over two major releases during 2014:


  • Complete C++ toolchain for Android

完整的Android C + +工具链

  • QPS (Quality, Performance, Stability)


  • Advertising and Payments components for Android and iOS


  • DataSnap middleware enhancements (performance, REST mapping, architectural improvements)


  • Further enhanced single source multi-platform support with new multi-device visual designers and new, flexible user interface components


  • Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS components, interfacing with some of the key providers, like Parse and Kinvey

移动后端服务( MBaaS组件,与一些主要供应商的接口,像Parse和Kinvey

  • Mobile and desktop applications interoperability


  • Android KitKat specific support

Android KitKat的特定支持

  • Easy-to-use Windows taskbar buttons component for VCL applications


  • Improvements in VCL styles and in the support for VCL applications on Windows Intel tablets, with specific styles and sensor components


  • Direct support for wearable Android devices with particular form factors, particularly Google Glass


  • Apache HTTP server modules support for WebBroker and DataSnap, alongside with the current ISAPI IIS support

支持WebBroker和的DataSnap的Apache HTTP服务器模块,同时支持当前的IIS ISAPI

  • Several run time library (RTL) improvements, implemented for all platforms and involving areas like XML processing, JSON processing, among others.

一些运行时库( RTL )的改进,实现对所有平台和涉及像XML处理、JSON处理等等领域。

  • FireDAC new drivers and enhancements to existing drivers, including support for newer database versions


  • Support for future versions of Android and iOS, expected to be announced by Google and Apple during the current year.


  • Bluetooth support (for mobile devices)


  • A new release of the C++ compiler for Win32, with full support for the C++ 11 language specification

Win32新版本的C + +编译器,全面支持C + +的11语言规范

Features and Technologies After 2014


There are other platforms and features we are actively researching and investigating, and other technologies under evaluation that are not part of the current 2014 roadmap.


  • Support for future versions of Android and iOS


  • Linux server support for DataSnap and WebBroker, including RTL and database access


  • Wearable devices and HUDs (Head-up Displays), as they become available, including special-purpose Android form factors and APIs

可穿戴式设备和的HUD (平视显示器),因为他们成为可用的,包括特殊用途的机器人外形和API

  • Native and direct integration with new REST APIs, focused on different areas ranging from automated systems to NOSQL databases

新的REST的API的原生支持和直接集成 ,从自动化系统到NOSQL数据库的支持,侧重于不同的领域。

  • Mac OS X 64bit compiler, toolchain, and libraries

Mac OS X的64位编译器,工具链和库

  • Support for Windows 8 ARM/WinRT(for the Windows Phone and/or the Windows RT desktop)

支持Windows 8的ARM / WinRT(为Windows Phone和/或者Windows RT桌面)

  • Enhancements and additions to BAAS and Cloud components


  • Support for future version of desktop Windows that will be announced in 2014


  • A complete and simplified parallel computing library, to take advantage of modern multi-core CPUs more easily


  • Android for the Intel platform


时间: 2024-08-07 00:12:13

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