Liferay 6.2 改造系列之五:修改默认站点的页面内容



## Default Landing Page
    # Set the default landing page path for logged in users relative to the
    # server path. This is the page users are automatically redirected to after
    # logging in. For example, if you want the default landing page to be
    # http://localhost:8080/web/guest/login, set this to /web/guest/login. To
    # activate this feature, set to true. To customize
    # the behavior, see in
    # the "" property above.
    # The following variables can be used: ${liferay:screenName} and
    # ${liferay:userId}.


## Default Logout Page
    # Set the default logout page path for users relative to the server path.
    # This is the page users are automatically redirected to after logging out.
    # For example, if you want the default logout page to be
    # http://localhost:8080/web/guest/logout, set this to /web/guest/logout. To
    # activate this feature, set to true. To customize
    # the behavior, see in
    # the "" property above.


## Default Guest Public Layouts
    # The Guest group must have at least one public page. The settings for the
    # initial public page are specified in the following properties.
    # If you need to add more than one page, set the property
    # "default.guest.public.layouts.lar" to specifiy a LAR file instead.
    # For even more complex behavior, override the addDefaultGuestPublicLayouts
    # method in com.liferay.portal.service.impl.GroupLocalServiceImpl.
    # Set the name of the public layout.
    # Set the layout template id of the public layout.
    # Set the portlet ids for the columns specified in the layout template.
    # Set the friendly url of the public layout.
    # Set the regular theme id for the public layout.
    # Set the regular color scheme id for the public layout.
    # Set the wap theme id for the public layout. This property is not used
    # unless the property "mobile.device.styling.wap.enabled" is set to true.
    # This property is deprecated and only provided for backwards compatibility.
    # Set the wap color scheme for the public layout. This property is not used
    # unless the property "mobile.device.styling.wap.enabled" is set to true.
    # This property is deprecated and only provided for backwards compatibility.
    # Specify a LAR file that can be used to create the guest public layouts.
    # If this property is set, the previous layout properties will be ignored.


## Default User Public Layouts
    # If the properties "layout.user.public.layouts.enabled" and
    # "" are both set to true, then users
    # will have public layouts and they will be automatically created. The
    # settings below are used for the creation of the initial public pages.
    # If you need to add more than one page, set the property
    # "default.user.public.layouts.lar" to specify a LAR file instead.
    # For even more complex behavior, override the addDefaultUserPublicLayouts
    # method in
    # Set the name of the public layout.
    # Set the layout template id of the public layout.
    # Set the portlet ids for the columns specified in the layout template.
    # Set the friendly url of the public layout.
    # Set the regular theme id for the public layout.
    # Set the regular color scheme id for the public layout.
    # Set the wap theme id for the public layout. This property is not used
    # unless the property "mobile.device.styling.wap.enabled" is set to true.
    # This property is deprecated and only provided for backwards compatibility.
    # Set the wap color scheme for the public layout. This property is not used
    # unless the property "mobile.device.styling.wap.enabled" is set to true.
    # This property is deprecated and only provided for backwards compatibility.
    # Specify a LAR file that can be used to create the user public layouts. If
    # this property is set, the previous layout properties will be ignored.


## Default User Private Layouts
    # If the properties "layout.user.private.layouts.enabled" and
    # "" are both set to true, then users
    # will have private layouts and they will be automatically created. The
    # settings below are used for the creation of the initial private pages.
    # If you need to add more than one page, set the property
    # "default.user.private.layouts.lar" to specifiy a LAR file instead.
    # For even more complex behavior, override the addDefaultUserPrivateLayouts
    # method in
    # Set the name of the private layout.
    # Set the layout template id of the private layout.
    # Set the portlet ids for the columns specified in the layout template.
    # Set the friendly url of the private layout.
    # Set the regular theme id for the private layout.
    # Set the regular color scheme id for the private layout.
    # Set the wap theme id for the private layout. This property is not used
    # unless the property "mobile.device.styling.wap.enabled" is set to true.
    # This property is deprecated and only provided for backwards compatibility.
    # Set the wap color scheme for the private layout. This property is not used
    # unless the property "mobile.device.styling.wap.enabled" is set to true.
    # This property is deprecated and only provided for backwards compatibility.
    # Specify a LAR file that can be used to create the user private layouts. If
    # this property is set, the previous layout properties will be ignored.


时间: 2024-12-06 03:53:25

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