Windows2008 Patching(打补丁)


1. 通过Internet打补丁:

  1. Go to control Panel->Windows Update->Hit ‘Check for Updates‘
  2. Go to control Panel->Windows Update->Hit ‘Check online for updates from Windows update‘
  3. After completing the above tasks you receive the availabe ‘Install updates for computer‘
  4. Go to control Panel->Windows Update->Hit ‘numbers important update are available‘
  5. Unselect the package you don‘t want to update and Hit ‘OK‘
  6. Then Hit ‘Install updates‘ , then it starts downloading the patches and install it automatically.
  7. Once installation is completed, instead of install updates you will get the option to restart.

2. 通过WSUS打补丁: (可以和SCCM配合使用)

  1. 建立一个域环境,当然你有得安装和配置AD
  2. 安装一个WSUS服务器,具体步骤不写了,网上很多
  3. 把客户端加入到域环境中
  4. Go to control Panel->Windows Update->Change Settings,   (check if you setings block by domain admin, gpupdate /force)
  5. Go to control Panel->Windows Update->Hit ‘Check for update managed by your system administrator‘ (from WSUS)
  6. Then Hit ‘Install updates‘ , then it starts downloading the patches and install it automatically. (WSUS服务器中已经配置了哪些补丁会被安装)
  7. Once installation is completed, instead of install updates you will get the option to restart.

3. 客户端打补丁时用到的目录和日志

  C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.txt (日志记录Windows客户端是否打了补丁从哪里打的补丁)

  1. 通过Internet打补丁的日志形态
  2. 2015-10-23    06:20:43:670     340    25cc    PT      + ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
    2015-10-23    06:20:58:217     340    25cc    Misc    Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\
    2015-10-23    06:20:58:217     340    25cc    Misc     Microsoft signed: Yes
    2015-10-23    06:21:04:577     340    25cc    Agent      * Found 55 updates and 13 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 862 out of 1522 deployed entities
    2015-10-23    06:21:04:624     340    25cc    Agent    *********
    2015-10-23    06:21:04:655     340    216c    AU      # 55 updates detected
  3. 通过WSUS打补丁的日志形态
  4. 2015-10-23    06:19:00:716     340    25cc    PT    +++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++
    2015-10-23    06:19:00:716     340    25cc    PT      + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL =
    2015-10-23    06:19:24:670     340    25cc    Agent      * Found 17 updates and 74 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 956 out of 1708 deployed entities
    2015-10-23    06:19:24:685     340    25cc    Agent    *********
    2015-10-23    06:19:24:732     340    216c    AU      # 17 updates detected

  C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download (本目录用于存放下载的补丁)

时间: 2024-10-11 19:41:42

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Oracle 11g(手动打补丁PSU(

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