procedure TSetParkForm.edtPrePosExit(Sender: TObject); // 焦点移开 或已操作 begin if (G2.RowCount > 0) and (G2.Selected >= 0) then begin // 判断G2是否有数据,且为选中状态 G1.Enabled := False; G2.Enabled := False; end; end; procedure TSetParkForm.edtPrePosChange(Sender: TObject); // Edit/Combox改变事件 begin if Sender = edtPrePos then begin if (G2.RowCount > 0) and (G2.Selected >= 0) then begin // 判断G2是否有数据,且为选中状态 G2.Cells[2, G2.Selected] := edtPrePos.Text; end; end; if sender = combPNSize then begin if (G2.RowCount > 0) and (G2.Selected >= 0) then begin // 判断G2是否有数据,且为选中状态 G2.Cells[4, G2.Selected] := RemoveSgin(combPNSize.Text); end; end; end;
时间: 2024-12-19 08:12:28