kill 发送消息给进程命令




kill [-s signal|-p] [-q sigval] [-a] [--] pid...
kill -l [signal]

kill [-s <信息名称或编号>][程序] 或 kill [-l <信息编号>]


pid... Specify the list of processes that kill should signal. Each pid can be
one of five things:

n where n is larger than 0. The process with pid n will be sig‐

0 All processes in the current process group are signaled.

-1 All processes with pid larger than 1 will be signaled.

-n where n is larger than 1. All processes in process group n are  //信息编号
signaled. When an argument of the form ‘-n‘ is given, and it is
meant to denote a process group, either the signal must be speci‐
fied first, or the argument must be preceded by a ‘--‘ option,
otherwise it will be taken as the signal to send.

All processes invoked using that name will be signaled.

-s, --signal signal //信息名称
Specify the signal to send. The signal may be given as a signal name or

-l, --list [signal] //打印编号
Print a list of signal names, or convert signal given as argument to a
name. The signals are found in /usr/include/linux/signal.h

-L, --table
Similar to -l, but will print signal names and their corresponding num‐

-a, --all
Do not restrict the commandname-to-pid conversion to processes with the
same uid as the present process.

-p, --pid
Specify that kill should only print the process id (pid) of the named
processes, and not send any signals.

-q, --queue sigval
Use sigqueue(2) rather than kill(2) and the sigval argument is used to
specify an integer to be sent with the signal. If the receiving process
has installed a handler for this signal using the SA_SIGINFO flag to
sigaction(2), then it can obtain this data via the si_value field of the
siginfo_t structure.


-l 编号

1.2 发送SIGHUP信号,可以使用一下信号

1.3  彻底杀死进程


时间: 2024-10-17 07:07:55

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六:定时发送消息 哨兵每隔一段时间,会向其所监控的所有实例发送一些命令,用于获取这些实例的状态.这些命令包括:"PING"."INFO"和"PUBLISH". "PING"命令,主要用于哨兵探测实例是否活着.如果对方超过一段时间,还没有回复"PING"命令,则认为其是主观下线了. "INFO"命令,主要用于哨兵获取实例当前的状态和信息,比如该实例当前是主节点还是从节点:该实例反馈的IP地


//    窗口.发送消息    函数功能: 将指定的消息发送到一个窗口,同win32 api 里面的SendMessage等同的效果 中文函数原型: 发送消息(hwnd,msg,wparam,iparam)      英文函数原型: sendmessage(hwnd,msg,wparam,iparam) 参数: hwnd: 窗口句柄 值,可以通过,找到窗口.顶层窗口句柄,等获取句柄的函数得到msg:指定被发送的消息wparam:指定附加的消息特定信息. iparam:指定附加的消息特定信息.举