Save a bricked Samsung Note 3 and do extraction

The case scenario was about bank robery and the suspect threw his Samsung Note 3 into the river. Fortunately the Police found his phone and sent it to the Lab immediately. But guess what? This Samsung Note 3 was dead and those poor forensic guys tried to do extraction,but in vain.

Forensic guys tried every mobile forensic tools they got, like Oxygen Forensic Detective, XRY, UFED...There was nothing these tools could do to this dead Samsung Note 3. Forensic guy 007 wanted to use Kies to do emergency rescue, but forensic guy 008 stop 007 to do so. The reason was that Kies may restore this dead Samsung Note 3 to factory default. If so, all data would be gone with the wind...

The most important thing was to prevent data from being wiped out. Forensic guy 008 decieded to flash recovery ROM to bring this dead Samsung Note 3 alive, and he could do logical/physical extraction. Fortunately he did it and acquired those important chat messages and call logs from that Samsung Note 3.

时间: 2024-08-08 22:00:37

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