Move Configurations to Separate Class in Code-First:
By now, we have configured all the domain classes in OnModelCreating method in the previous sections. When you have a large number of domain classes, then configuring every class in OnModelCreating can become unmanageable. Code-First enables you to move all the configurations related to one domain class to a separate class.
In the below example, we configured Student entity.
public class SchoolDBContext: DbContext { public SchoolDBContext(): base() { } public DbSet<Student> Students { get; set; } public DbSet<Standard> Standards { get; set; } public DbSet<StudentAddress> StudentAddress { get; set; } protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) { modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().ToTable("StudentInfo"); modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().HasKey<int>(s => s.StudentKey); modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() .Property(p => p.DateOfBirth) .HasColumnName("DoB") .HasColumnOrder(3) .HasColumnType("datetime2"); modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() .Property(p => p.StudentName) .HasMaxLength(50); modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() .Property(p => p.StudentName) .IsConcurrencyToken(); modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() .HasMany<Course>(s => s.Courses) .WithMany(c => c.Students) .Map(cs => { cs.MapLeftKey("StudentId"); cs.MapRightKey("CourseId"); cs.ToTable("StudentCourse"); }); } }
Now, you can move all the configurations related to Student entity to a separate class which derives from EntityTypeConfiguration<TEntity>
. Consider the following StudentEntityConfigurations class.
public class StudentEntityConfiguration: EntityTypeConfiguration<Student> { public StudentEntityConfiguration() { this.ToTable("StudentInfo"); this.HasKey<int>(s => s.StudentKey); this.Property(p => p.DateOfBirth) .HasColumnName("DoB") .HasColumnOrder(3) .HasColumnType("datetime2"); this.Property(p => p.StudentName) .HasMaxLength(50); this.Property(p => p.StudentName) .IsConcurrencyToken(); this.HasMany<Course>(s => s.Courses) .WithMany(c => c.Students) .Map(cs => { cs.MapLeftKey("StudentId"); cs.MapRightKey("CourseId"); cs.ToTable("StudentCourse"); }); } }
As you can see above, we have moved all the configuration for the Student entity into constructor of StudentEntityConfiguration, which is derived from EntityTypeConfiguration<Student>
. You need to specify entity type in a generic place holder for which you include configurations, Student in this case.
Now, you can inform Fluent API about this class, as shown below.
public class SchoolDBContext: DbContext { public SchoolDBContext(): base() { } public DbSet<Student> Students { get; set; } public DbSet<Standard> Standards { get; set; } public DbSet<StudentAddress> StudentAddress { get; set; } protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) { // Moved all Student related configuration to StudentEntityConfiguration class modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new StudentEntityConfiguration()); } }
Thus, you can use a separate class to configure a domain class to increase the readability and maintainability.