API 自动化框架
生成测试报告的原理:使用file生成.md文件,使用docker,pull mkdocs相关镜像,将data volum挂载到搭载测试报告的宿主机上,访问对应的域名即可
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # 基础包:配置服务 import ConfigParser import core.log as log config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() logging = log.get_logger() def get_config(filename): """ 获取文件配置 :param filename: 配置文件名 :return: None """ global config try: config.read(filename) return True except Exception, e: logging.error("读取配置失败 %s" % e) def get_data(title, key): """ 参数配置 :param title: 配置文件的头信息 :param key: 配置文件的key值 :return: 配置文件的value """ try: value = config.get(title, key) type(value) return value except Exception, e: logging.error("获取配置文件参数失败 %s" % e) def get_title_list(): """ 获取所有title :return: title list """ try: title = config.sections() return str(title).decode("string_escape") # return ‘\n‘.join(title) except Exception, e: logging.error("获取title信息失败 %s", e)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # author: zhizhi # 基础包: MySQL import pymysql.cursors import core.log as log logging = log.get_logger() conn = None def connect(host, user, password, db, charset=‘utf8‘): """ 链接Mysql :param host: 地址 :param user: 用户 :param password: 密码 :param db: 数据库名 :param charset: 数据类型 :return: 链接 """ global conn if conn == None: conn = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, db=db, charset=charset, cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) return conn def execute(sql): """ 执行SQL :param sql: 执行的SQL :return: 影响行数 """ global conn try: with conn.cursor() as cursor: res = cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() # 这里一定要写commit 不然提交的sql 都会被事务回滚 return res except Exception, e: logging.error("sql is empty or error %s" % e) def close(): """ 关闭MySQL连接 :return: None """ global conn conn.close()
#!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # 基础包:接口测试的封装 import requests import core.log as log import json logging = log.get_logger() def change_type(value): """ 对dict类型进行中文识别 :param value: 传的数据值 :return: 转码后的值 """ try: if isinstance(eval(value), str): return value if isinstance(eval(value), dict): result = eval(json.dumps(value)) return result except Exception, e: logging.error("类型问题 %s", e) def api(method, url, data ,headers): """ 自定义一个接口测试的方法 :param method: 请求类型 :param url: 地址 :param data: 数据 :param headers: 请求头 :return: success(str) """ global results try: if method == ("post" or "POST"): results = requests.post(url, data, headers=headers,cookies=cookie) if method == ("get" or "GET"): results = requests.get(url, data, headers=headers,cookies=cookie) response = results.json() success = response.get("success") return success except Exception, e: logging.error("service is error", e) def set_cookieApi(method, url, data ,headers): """ 自定义一个登录接口测试的方法 :param method: 请求类型 :param url: 地址 :param data: 数据 :param headers: 请求头 :return: success(bool) """ global cookie try: if method == ("post" or "POST"): results = requests.post(url, data, headers=headers) if method == ("get" or "GET"): results = requests.get(url, data, headers=headers) response = results.json() success = str(response.get("success")) cookie = requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(results.cookies) return success except Exception, e: logging.info("LoginApi请求失败", e)
func.py: 可以通过接口返回数据与自己写的sql查询的数据进行对比,判断用例是否通过,所以提供了mysql通用模块
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # 业务包:通用函数 import core.mysql as mysql import core.log as log import core.request as request import core.config as conf import constants as cs import os logging = log.get_logger() class ApiTest: """接口测试业务类""" def __init__(self): pass def prepare_data(self, host, user, password, db, sql): """ 数据准备,添加测试数据 :param host: 服务地址 :param user: 用户 :param password: 密码 :param db: 数据库名 :param sql: 执行的SQL :return: """ mysql.connect(host, user, password, db) res = mysql.execute(sql) mysql.close() logging.info("Run sql: the row number affected is %s" % res) return res def get_prepare_sql(self, filename, key): """ 获取预备执行的SQL :param title: 配置文件头信息 :param key: 配置文件值 :return: Value """ try: conf.get_config(filename) value = conf.get_data(title=cs.TITLE, key=key) return value except Exception, e: logging.error("获取用例参数值失败 %s" % e) def new_report_menu(self, filename): """ 这个方法主要是通过写入文件的方法,先打开cs.YML_REPORT也就是 mkdocs.yml文件,判断文件中是否存在当前写入的内容。 :param filename: 测试用例文件 :return: 测试报告内容 """ try: result = os.path.exists(cs.REPORT_PATH) if result == True: conf.get_config(filename) reportName = eval(conf.get_data(title=cs.REPORT_NAME, key=cs.REPORT)) report_name = eval(conf.get_data(title=cs.REPORT_NAME, key=cs.R_NAME)) file = open(cs.YML_REPORT, ‘r‘) list_con = file.readlines() content = str(list_con).decode("string_escape") fileContent = "- [%s, %s]" row = "\n" _content = fileContent % (reportName + cs.NOW, report_name) con = row + _content if _content not in content: f = open(cs.YML_REPORT, ‘a+‘) f.write(con) else: logging.info("内容已经存在 %s" % _content) except Exception, e: logging.error("文件路径不存在 %s", e) def write_report(self, content): """ 这个方法用于书写测试报告从而解决之前的通过 logging方式写入导致其他的日志无法实现写入 :param content: 传入文件的内容 :return: None """ reportName = eval(conf.get_data(title=cs.REPORT_NAME, key=cs.REPORT)) _reportName = reportName + cs.NOW filename = cs.REPORT_PATH + _reportName try: file = open(filename, ‘a+‘) file.writelines(content) except Exception, e: logging.error("文件路径不存在 %s", e) def execute_case(self, filename): """ 执行接口测试用例的方法 :param filename: 用例文件名称 :return: 测试结果 """ conf.get_config(filename) list = eval(conf.get_title_list()) for i in range(1, len(list)): title = list[i] number = conf.get_data(title, key=cs.NUMBER) name = conf.get_data(title, key=cs.NAME) method = conf.get_data(title, key=cs.METHOD) url = conf.get_data(title, key=cs.URL) data = conf.get_data(title, key=cs.DATA) _data = request.json.dumps(data,ensure_ascii=False,indent=4) headers = eval(conf.get_data(title, key=cs.HEADERS)) # headers[‘Cookie‘]=cookie _headers = request.json.dumps(headers,ensure_ascii=False,indent=4) testUrl = cs.DOMAIN + url login=cs.LOGIN if(title==login): actualCode = request.set_cookieApi(method, testUrl, data, headers) else: actualCode = str(request.api(method, testUrl, data, headers)) expectCode = str(conf.get_data(title, key=cs.CODE)) if actualCode != expectCode: logging.info("新增一条接口失败报告") self.write_report(cs.API_TEST_FAIL % (name, number, method, testUrl, headers,data, expectCode, actualCode)) else: logging.info("新增一条接口成功报告") self.write_report(cs.API_TEST_SUCCESS % (name, number, method, testUrl, headers,data, expectCode, actualCode)) def run_test(self, filename): """ 普通接口测试类方法 :param filename: 接口的用例name :return: 测试报告 """ reportName =eval( conf.get_data(title=cs.REPORT_NAME, key=cs.REPORT)) _filename = cs.REPORT_PATH + reportName + cs.NOW try: if os.path.exists(_filename): os.remove(_filename) self.execute_case(filename) else: self.execute_case(filename) except Exception, e: logging.error("执行接口测试失败 %s", e) def write_report_result(self): """ 这个方法用于书写测试报告结果 :return: None """ reportName = eval(conf.get_data(title=cs.REPORT_NAME, key=cs.REPORT)) _filename = cs.REPORT_PATH + reportName + cs.NOW try: f = file(_filename) content = f.read() if content != None: _count = content.count("Number") _fail = content.count("Case Fail") _pass = content.count("Case Pass") space = content.split(‘\n‘) space.insert(0,cs.RESULT_CONTENT % (_count, _pass, _fail)) _content_ = ‘\n‘.join(space) fp = file(_filename,‘r+‘) fp.write(_content_) except Exception, e: logging.error("文件路径不存在 %s", e)
# !/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # 执行包:runscript import function.func as func ApiTest = func.ApiTest() FILENAME = ‘login.ini‘ """1.新建测试报告目录""" ApiTest.new_report_menu(filename=func.cs.CASE_PATH+FILENAME) """2.执行测试用例""" ApiTest.run_test(filename=func.cs.CASE_PATH+FILENAME) """3.统计测试报告结果""" ApiTest.write_report_result()
[Test Report] report = ‘Enterprise Version‘ reportName = ‘Regression Testing Report‘ [login] number = 1 name = login method = post url = /s1/web/login data = {data:{‘userCode‘:‘admin‘,‘password‘:‘[email protected]‘}} headers = {‘Content-Type‘: ‘application/json;charset=UTF-8;‘} code = True [brand] number = 2 name = get_brand method = post url = /s1/brand/getList data = {"pageSize":10,"pageNum":1} headers = {‘Content-Type‘: ‘application/json; charset=UTF-8;‘} code = True
时间: 2024-12-03 18:36:12