【 Regular Expression Matching 】cpp


Implement regular expression matching with support for ‘.‘ and ‘*‘.

‘.‘ Matches any single character.
‘*‘ Matches zero or more of the preceding element.

The matching should cover the entire input string (not partial).

The function prototype should be:
bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p)

Some examples:
isMatch("aa","a") → false
isMatch("aa","aa") → true
isMatch("aaa","aa") → false
isMatch("aa", "a*") → true
isMatch("aa", ".*") → true
isMatch("ab", ".*") → true
isMatch("aab", "c*a*b") → true


class Solution {
    bool isMatch(string s, string p) {
        // both s and p reach their ends
        if ( p.empty() ) return s.empty();
        // p‘s next is not *
        if ( p[1]!=‘*‘ )
            return ( s[0]==p[0] || (p[0]==‘.‘ && !s.empty()) ) && Solution::isMatch(s.substr(1), p.substr(1));
        // p‘s next is * and curr s match curr p
        int i = 0;
        for ( ; s[i]==p[0] || (p[0]==‘.‘ && i<s.size()); ++i)
            if ( Solution::isMatch(s.substr(i), p.substr(2)) ) return true;
        // p‘s next is * but curr s not match curr p
        return Solution::isMatch(s.substr(i), p.substr(2));





1. p[1]!=‘*‘ 这个语句是会遇到p[1]不存在(索引越界)的情况的,在我的mac上返回的结果是NUL,但是OJ可以通过。

2. p.substr(2)这个语句也会遇到与1同样的问题。



时间: 2024-10-13 12:21:51

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