
1.Dutch courage 因为英语与荷兰之间的恩恩怨怨,积重难反,有渊源极深,而荷兰被称为“海盗之国”,海盗是做事鲁莽的,所以就用这个词语来表示“酒后之勇”。
2.have a hollow leg 千杯不醉,喝酒海量
Eg.The best man has a hollow leg. He drinks a lot instead of the bridegroom.
3.drink sb under the table 把某人灌醉
Eg.You pride yourselves on your capacity, but he can drink you all under the table.
4.sort of 有几分,有那么点儿
Eg.It‘s sort of embarrassing.
5.egg sb on 怂恿某人,煽动某人
Eg.He eggs them on in rising against the government.

6.boast v. 自夸;以有…而自豪 n. 自夸;值得夸耀的事物

7.dump on 对......吹毛求疵

8.mind one‘s own business 做自己的本分事情

Eg.As he was always interfering, I told him to mind his own business.因他常来干涉,我叫他少管闲事。

9.peacemaker 调解者,和事佬

10.give sb a free hand 给予某人自由发挥的空间

Eg.He was inclined to give them a free hand.



时间: 2024-08-13 01:37:16



1.dead beat 是俚语,是exhausted to the point of being dead 的省略语.Beat是beaten(精疲力尽或精神沮丧)的古体词:而dead是死的,它是death(死亡)苏格兰方言.因此,dead beat就是指“精疲力尽的人”,还可以说为“赖账的人”或“手头拮据的人”. e.g. He was dead beat after a day's work. 一天工作下来,他累垮了. 2.be wrapped up in:专心致志于...... “全神贯注地


1.painter n. 画家:油漆匠 2.Chris knows that a new job for a purchasing and maintenance manager for the whole company will be  open in a few months, and  he would like to be promoted to the job. 本题抓听到” he would like to be promoted”可知,其中”advance a higher po

201501 英语笔记3

aileLiu造句: 每个星期我要向产品经理索要一周的工作计划.(150125) Every week I asked product manager for a week's work plan.[ask后面加ed,是它的完成时分词形式和被动态形式,例如我昨天问过他这样一个问题,里面的ask就要用完成时,加ed. 英语中有主动态,被动态,如果是我被问了一个问题,也要加ed.] 单词: detective 侦探 expect 期待,等待 valuable 贵重的 英[?vælju?bl] par


单词: never 从不 early 早的 sometiomes 有时 until 直到 pr. out of … …的外面 dark 黑暗/的 n. adj. outside 外面 adv. thought 想 think的过去式 短语/句子: get up early 早起 on sundays 每个星期天 stay in bed 卧床休息(睡觉) —— stay in the bed 呆在床上 这里主要在于理解定冠词的意义定冠词是表特指,生硬的翻译过来就是 "呆在那张床上" 那么


She apologized of her own accord.她主动道歉了. clammy adj. 1.(天气)湿冷的  2. 冷而黏的,黏糊糊的 savor n. 滋味:气味:食欲v. 品尝:尽情享受:意味着,带有…的性质:有…的滋味,加调味品于 Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.生命不是一场赛跑,而是一步一个脚印的旅程.


1.“Come to think of it, you may be onto something.”你来想一下,也不无道理.be onto something“行得通的,有道理的.” 2.The accident had left him with a slight limp.那场事故让他变得有点跛.


further my study 继续深造 at nights 每夜, 夜夜,经常在夜里 She was a person accustomed to staying up late at nights.她是一个习惯熬夜的人. Instead, I was there to talk about steps we're taking to boost tourism and create jobs.相反,我在那里谈了谈振兴旅游业.创造就业机会的方法.


The wake of the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes, we're getting things going again.在这场我们有生之年所经历的最糟糕的经济危机浪潮中,我们将继续前行. hide-and-seek n. 捉迷藏 Let's get back on track.我们言归正传吧. One should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of

201501 英语笔记2

aileLiu造句: 请等我十分钟.(150113) Please wait me for ten minutes.[ten 也可以直接用 数字10 替代] 在大桥街上有个乞丐,总是讨要一顿饭和一杯啤酒. (150117) A beggar always asks for a meal and a glass of beer in Bridge Street.[注意:at与in在表示地点时,at一般指较小的范围,in用于较大的范围比如in Shanghai,但这个范围也没有具体划分] 单词: b