Action Required: Listings Deactivated for Potential Pricing Error

Dear Seller,

We are contacting you because we
have detected potential pricing errors in your product
listings. To avoid a potentially negative customer experience caused by
mispriced items, we have deactivated these listings.

These deactivated listings are marked in Manage Inventory with a Status of "Inactive (Pricing Error)".

To reactivate your listings, click on “Fix Price Alerts” and then on “Potential Pricing Error” on the left menu to:

- update your offer price, or
confirm your offer price by setting “Your minimum price” and “Your
maximum price” in the specified columns so that your offer price is
within the minimum and maximum price range. We will alert you in the
future if your price falls outside your price range. If you do not use
the minimum and maximum price settings, our systems will continue to use
internal data to help detect potential pricing errors.

If you
have a Professional selling account, you can also use the Inventory
Loader file or the Price & Quantity file to update your prices as
well as your minimum and maximum prices. For more information, search in
Seller Central Help for the terms "Unblocking Your Listings",
"Inventory Loader", and "Price and Quantity".

If you have
questions or need assistance, log in to your Seller Central account and
click the "Contact Seller Support" link at the bottom of the page. For
feedback about this pricing error program, please send an e-mail to
[email protected]

Thank you for selling on Amazon,

Your Amazon Services Team

--------------- Listings with Potential Pricing Errors ---------------

Note: If you have more than 100 listings with potential pricing errors, only the first 100 are listed here.


时间: 2024-12-28 18:06:12

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