Valid Password


In 1-9 keypad one key is not working. If someone enters a password then not working key will not be entered. You have given expected password and entered password. Check that entered password is valid or not. Ex: entered 164, expected 18684 (you need to take care as when u enter18684 and 164 only both will be taken as 164 input)



1. 没有按到过坏的键

2. 1864, 1684.  坏的是8, 坏的键又出现一次

2. expect有可能是186848888,要继续检查直到长度相等

 1 public static boolean validPassword(String expect, String actual) {
 2     char faultKey = ‘\0‘; //initial fault key
 3     int i=0, j=0;    //two pointer for each string
 4     for(; i<actual.length() && j<expect.length(); j++) {
 5         if(actual.charAt(i) != expect.charAt(j)) {
 6             if(faultKey == ‘\0‘)    faultKey = expect.charAt(j);    //record fault key
 7             else if(faultKey != expect.charAt(j))    return false;    //found second fault key
 8             i--;
 9         }
10         i++;
11     }
13     for(int k=0; k<expect.length() ;k++) {
14         if(faultKey == expect.charAt(k)) return false;
15     }
16     //fault key may require press many times after that
17     while(j<expect.length() && expect.charAt(j)==faultKey)    j++;
19     return (i==actual.length() && j==expect.length() && faultKey == ‘\0‘) ? true : false;
20 }
时间: 2024-12-26 12:34:32

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