Java EE 7 教程 第一部分 简介 第1章 概述 第1.9节 GlassFish服务器工具


翻译:石卓林 [email protected]

1.9 GlassFish Server Tools

GlassFish Server is a compliant implementation of the Java EE 7 platform. In addition to supporting all the APIs described in the previous sections, GlassFish Server includes a number of Java EE tools that are not part of the Java EE 7 platform but are provided
as a convenience to the developer.

This section briefly summarizes the tools that make up GlassFish Server. Instructions for starting and stopping GlassFish Server, starting the Administration Console, and starting and stopping the Java DB server are in
Chapter 2, "Using the Tutorial Examples".

GlassFish Server contains the tools listed in Table 1-1. Basic usage information for many of the tools appears throughout the tutorial. For detailed information, see the online help in the GUI tools.

Table 1-1 GlassFish Server Tools
Tool Description
Administration Console A web-based GUI GlassFish Server administration utility. Used to stop GlassFish Server and to manage users, resources, and applications.
asadmin A command-line GlassFish Server administration utility. Used to start and stop GlassFish Server and to manage users, resources, and applications.
appclient A command-line tool that launches the application client container and invokes the client application packaged in the application client JAR file.
capture-schema A command-line tool to extract schema information from a database, producing a schema file that GlassFish Server can use for container-managed persistence.
package-appclient A command-line tool to package the application client container libraries and JAR files.
Java DB database A copy of the Java DB server.
xjc A command-line tool to transform, or bind, a source XML schema to a set of JAXB content classes in the Java programming language.
schemagen A command-line tool to create a schema file for each namespace referenced in your Java classes.
wsimport A command-line tool to generate JAX-WS portable artifacts for a given WSDL file. After generation, these artifacts can be packaged in a WAR file with the WSDL and schema documents, along with the endpoint implementation, and then deployed.
wsgen A command-line tool to read a web service endpoint class and generate all the required JAX-WS portable artifacts for web service deployment and invocation.

1.9 GlassFish服务器工具

GlassFish服务器是Java EE 7平台的一种兼容实现. 除了支持前面章节介绍的所有API, 为了方便开发者,GlassFish服务器还包含不属于Java EE平台的一部分的Java EE工具.

此章节简单叙述了整理自GlassFish服务器的工具.在第2章, "使用教学示例"中介绍了如何启动和停止GlassFish服务器, 启动管理控制台,启动和停止Java DB服务器 .

表 1-1中列举了GlassFish服务器包含的工具.出现在本教程中的工具的基本信息. 欲了解详细信息,请查看GUI工具在线帮助.

表 1-1 GlassFish服务器工具
工具 说明
管理控制台 一个基于WEB的GUI多功能实用管理工具.用于停止GlassFish服务器和管理用户,资源,应用.
asadmin 一个命令行的多功能实用管理工具. 用于启动和停止GlassFish服务器和管理用户,资源,应用.
appclient 一个命令行工具,用于启动应用客户端容器并调用封装在应用客户端JAR文件中的客户端应用.
capture-schema 一个用于从数据库中提取架构信息的命令行工具, 产生GlassFish服务器可用的容器管理持久化架构文件.
package-appclient 一个用于打包应用客户端容器库和JAR文件的命令行工具.
Java DB数据库 一份Java DB服务器拷贝.
xjc 一个用于转换,绑定XML架构源到Java程序语言JAXB内容类的命令行工具
schemagen 一个命令行工具,用于为你的Java类中每个命名空间引用创建架构文件
wsimport 一个命令行工具,用于为特定WSDL文件生成JAX-WS可移植工件. 生成后这些工件后, 这些工件可以和WSDL,架构文档一起打包到WAR文件中, 然后联同终端实现一起部署.
wsgen 一个命令行工具,用于读取WEB服务终端类并为web服务部署和调用生成所有必须的JAX-WS可移植工件.
时间: 2024-10-03 22:55:59

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