part 3 Controllers in AngularJS

What happens if the controller name is misspelled?

When the controller name is misspelled, 2 things happen

1, An error is raised. To see the error, use brower develepertools

2, The binding expressions in the view that are in the scope of the controller will not be evaluated

What happens if a property name in the binding expression is misspelled?

Expression evaluation in angular is forgiving, meaning if you misspell a property name in the binding expression, angular will not report any error, It will simply return null or undefined.

How to create module, controller and register the controller with the module, all in one line?

Use the method chaining(链接) mechanism(机制) as shown below

var myApp = angular
                      $scope.message = "create module and controller in one line";
时间: 2024-10-09 00:06:10

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