By default, the advanced search function can search by all of the object‘s fields. But sometimes, we don‘t want the user to know much about the inner structure, so we can use below method to restrict the fields used in advanced search as the same as
in common search.
Modify search.js file, at about line 1859, replace below code:
if (field_def.selectable !== false && field_name != 'id') { self.fields[field_name] = field_def; }
Replace it by:
if (field_def.selectable !== false && field_name != 'id' && self.view.fields_view.fields[field_name]) { self.fields[field_name] = field_def; }
OpenERP-限制高级搜索字段范围(Restrict the fields can be seen in "advanced search")
时间: 2024-10-06 09:51:47