一些C++11语言新特性 - Range-Based for Loops

1. Range-Based for Loops

for ( decl : coll ) {


for ( int i : { 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 19 } ) {
    std::cout << i << std::endl;
std::vector<double> vec;
for ( auto& elem : vec ) {
    elem *= 3;

Here, declaring elem as a reference is important because otherwise the statements in the body of the for loop act on a local copy of the elements in the vector (which sometimes also might be useful).

This means that to avoid calling the copy constructor and the destructor for each element, you should usually declare the current element to be a constant reference. Thus, a generic function to print all elements of a collection should be implemented as follows:

template <typename T>
void printElements (const T& coll)
    for (const auto& elem : coll) {
        std::cout << elem << std::endl;

那段range-based for loops代码等价于如下:

for (auto _pos=coll.begin(); _pos != coll.end(); ++_pos ) {
    const auto& elem = *_pos;
    std::cout << elem << std::endl;
int array[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
long sum=0; // process sum of all elements
for (int x : array) {
    sum += x;
for (auto elem : { sum, sum*2, sum*4 } ) { // print 15 30 60
    std::cout << elem << std::endl;
时间: 2024-10-12 21:41:17

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atitit.Oracle 9 10 11 12新特性attilax总结

atitit.Oracle 9  10 11  12新特性 1. ORACLE 11G新特性 1 1.1. oracle11G新特性 1 1.2. 审计 1 1.3. 1.   审计简介 1 1.4. 其他(大部分是管理功能) 2 2. Oracle 12c 的 12 个新特性 2 2.1. 2 Improved Defaults 增强了DEFAULT, default目前可以直接指代sequence了,同时增强了default充当identity的能力 2 2.2. Easy Top-N an


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【转】C++11 标准新特性:Defaulted 和 Deleted 函数

原文链接http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/aix/library/1212_lufang_c11new/ 本文将介绍 C++11 标准的两个新特性:defaulted 和 deleted 函数.对于 defaulted 函数,编译器会为其自动生成默认的函数定义体,从而获得更高的代码执行效率,也可免除程序员手动定义该函数的工作量.对于 deleted 函数, 编译器会对其禁用,从而避免某些非法的函数调用或者类型转换,从而提高代码的安全性.本文将通过代码示例详