PrimeFaces ab function

The PrimeFaces.ab function is a shortcut function for PrimeFaces.ajax.AjaxRequest.

    //ajax shortcut
    ab: function(cfg, ext) {
        return PrimeFaces.ajax.AjaxRequest(cfg, ext);

The PrimeFaces.ajax.AjaxRequest can be asynchronous or synchronous. The AjaxRequest uses the AjaxUtils, which handles all send, process, response, and update.

PrimeFaces.ajax.AjaxRequest = function(cfg, ext) {
    cfg.ext = ext;

    if(cfg.async) {
        return PrimeFaces.ajax.AjaxUtils.send(cfg);
    else {
        return PrimeFaces.ajax.Queue.offer(cfg);

Passing a cfg (configuration) object to the PrimeFaces.ajax.AjaxUtils.send(cfg), this cfg object has:

  • a boolean value used to trigger p:ajaxStatus if it‘s a true.
  • cfg.onstart: to be called when the request is to be send.
  • cfg.async: a boolean value, where if this call is asynchronous or not.
  • cfg.source: can be a client id or an element defined by this keyword
  • cfg.formId: if an explicit form is defined, or it would look into a parent source
  • cfg.resetValues
  • cfg.ignoreAutoUpdate
  • cfg.fragmentId: used for the process of the components
  • cfg.fragmentUpdate
  • cfg.event: behaviour event, like click or change
  • cfg.params: request params
  • cfg.partialSubmit: if partial submit is enabled, there are components to process partially
  • cfg.onerror: to be called when the request had an error status.
  • cfg.onsuccess: to be called when the request had a success status.
  • cfg.oncomplete: to be called when the request is completed.

Note: I came up with this explanation based on my understanding of the source code.

Also you can refer to this answer, might be helpful.

时间: 2024-10-12 07:38:46

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call 方法和 apply方法

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1.方法定义 call方法: 语法:call([thisObj[,arg1[, arg2[,   [,.argN]]]]]) 定义:调用一个对象的一个方法,以另一个对象替换当前对象. 说明: call 方法可以用来代替另一个对象调用一个方法.call 方法可将一个函数的对象上下文从初始的上下文改变为由 thisObj 指定的新对象. 如果没有提供 thisObj 参数,那么 Global 对象被用作 thisObj. apply方法: 语法:apply([thisObj[,argArray]])