[Tue, 21 Jul 2015 ~ Mon, 27 Jul 2015] Deep Learning in arxiv

Compression of Fully-Connected Layer inNeural Network by Kronecker Product


Building a Large-scale Multimodal KnowledgeBase for Visual Question Answering




Bottom-up and top-down reasoning withconvolutional latent-variable models



Deep Fishing: Gradient Features from DeepNets

Multimodal Deep Learning for Robust RGB-DObject Recognition



时间: 2024-07-31 11:10:29

[Tue, 21 Jul 2015 ~ Mon, 27 Jul 2015] Deep Learning in arxiv的相关文章

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谜客帝国第十二届老爱老谜会(2015.1.27)主持:瓷       计分:晶莹1.齐下西湖捞残月(8笔字)沸2.巴黎第二季(中药)法夏3.其中五点全用(2字手机品牌)金立4.分店遍及全中国(2字部队称谓)营长5.小人不足提(字)捈6.再三犯错,二十载来担心受怕(2字蔬菜名)茭白7.下来亲吻(中药)降香8.兄长欲断交(2字手机品牌)谷歌9.蟋蟀后来死亡(中药)虻虫10.“妇女”节前天挥毫书双令(中药二•3+3)三七草/千张纸.注:双令-四国军旗术语:一令五百张纸11.八仙半数痴(3字穴位名)四神