
最近工作上面遇到一个性能相关的问题,大体描述一下: 批量任务执行的过程中导致数据库sql执行时间过长,查看之后是由于批量任务占满数据库连接池导致的,至于为什么批量任务会不受系统控制导致连接池占满就不说了,感觉是公司内部机密。为了能够在自己的博客里面记录这个过程,博主想在自己的ubuntu上安装一个oracle,但是下载下来之后发现ubuntu安装oracle会出现各种问题,而且网上解决方案比较少,所以打算使用docker安装,顺便复习一下自己docker的操作。

  首先系统中应该存在docker这个运用程序,安装可以使用命令:sudo apt-get install docker.



[email protected]:~$ sudo docker search oracle
[sudo] work 的密码:
NAME                                DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
oraclelinux                         Oracle Linux is an open-source operating s...   402       [OK]
frolvlad/alpine-oraclejdk8          The smallest Docker image with OracleJDK 8...   269                  [OK]
alexeiled/docker-oracle-xe-11g      This is a working (hopefully) Oracle XE 11...   222                  [OK]
sath89/oracle-12c                   Oracle Standard Edition 12c Release 1 with...   221                  [OK]
sath89/oracle-xe-11g                Oracle xe 11g with database files mount su...   135                  [OK]
isuper/java-oracle                  This repository contains all java releases...   55                   [OK]
jaspeen/oracle-11g                  Docker image for Oracle 11g database            55                   [OK]
oracle/glassfish                    GlassFish Java EE Application Server on Or...   30                   [OK]
oracle/openjdk                      Docker images containing OpenJDK Oracle Linux   26                   [OK]
airdock/oracle-jdk                  Docker Image for Oracle Java SDK (8 and 7)...   23                   [OK]
ingensi/oracle-jdk                  Official Oracle JDK installed on centos.        21                   [OK]
wnameless/oracle-xe-11g             Dockerfile of Oracle Database Express Edit...   20                   [OK]
cogniteev/oracle-java               Oracle JDK 6, 7, 8, and 9 based on Ubuntu ...   20                   [OK]
n3ziniuka5/ubuntu-oracle-jdk        Ubuntu with Oracle JDK. Check tags for ver...   14                   [OK]
oracle/nosql                        Oracle NoSQL on a Docker Image with Oracle...   13                   [OK]
collinestes/docker-node-oracle      A container with Node.js/Oracle instant cl...   9                    [OK]
openweb/oracle-tomcat               A fork off of Official tomcat image with O...   7                    [OK]
sgrio/java-oracle                   Docker images of Java 7/8 provided by Orac...   7                    [OK]
andreptb/oracle-java                Debian Jessie based image with Oracle JDK ...   7                    [OK]
flurdy/oracle-java7                 Base image containing Oracle‘s Java 7 JDK       5                    [OK]
davidcaste/debian-oracle-java       Oracle Java 8 (and 7) over Debian Jessie        3                    [OK]
teradatalabs/centos6-java8-oracle   Docker image of CentOS 6 with Oracle JDK 8...   3
publicisworldwide/oracle-core       This is the core image based on Oracle Lin...   1                    [OK]
spansari/nodejs-oracledb            nodejs with oracledb installed globally on...   1
sigma/nimbus-lock-oracle                                                            0                    [OK]

  在这里我们选sath89/oracle-12c    sudo docker pull sath89/oracle-12c. 替换阿里源之后速度还是挺快的,差不多10分钟就能下载完成。查看下载的源,一共5.7G

[email protected]:~$ sudo docker images;
REPOSITORY                    TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
sath89/oracle-12c             latest              17cd1ab9d9a7        2 days ago          5.703 GB
kalilinux/kali-linux-docker   latest              8ececeaf404d        9 months ago        1.558 GB

  创建docker oracle容器

[email protected]:~/app$ sudo docker run -it sath89/oracle-12c
Database not initialized. Initializing database.
Starting tnslsnr
Copying database files
1% complete
3% complete
11% complete
18% complete
26% complete
37% complete
Creating and starting Oracle instance
40% complete
45% complete
    50% complete
55% complete
56% complete
60% complete
62% complete
Completing Database Creation
66% complete
70% complete
73% complete
85% complete
96% complete
100% complete
Look at the log file "/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/xe/xe.log" for further details.
Configuring Apex console
Database initialized. Please visit http://#containeer:8080/em http://#containeer:8080/apex for extra configuration if needed
Starting web management console

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Starting import from ‘/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d‘:
found file /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d//docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/*
[IMPORT] / ignoring /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/*

Import finished

Database ready to use. Enjoy! ;)

  容器启动完成,注意使用此镜像创建的oracle用户名和密码为: system/oracle,然后我们使用本地的sql工具连接虚拟机的oracle。


时间: 2024-08-10 04:37:25


Win10系统使用Docker安装oracle并通过Navicat for oracle进行登录

一.安装Docker Linux系统可以直接采用命令进行Docker安装: Win7系统安装Dokcer实际通过Boot2Docker在Windows下安装一个VirtualBox来实现: Boot2Docker对于Win10系统的支持不太友好,好消息是现在有了专门为Win10准备的Docker安装包:docker-tollbox; docker-tollbox下载地址: DockerToolbox.ex

docker安装Oracle 12c

1.安装阿里的docker源: cat /etc/docker/daemon.json { "registry-mirrors": [""] } 2.重启docker服务 systemctl restart docker 3.这里选择获取12c版本 docker pull sath89/oracle-12c [[email protected] ~]# docker images|grep 12

docker 安装 oracle

docker pull docker run -d -p 1521:1521 --name oracle11g docker start oracle11g docker exec -it oracle11g bash su root 密码:helowin (可选)修改root密码 pa


1.docker安装oracle docker search oracle docker pull wnameless/oracle-xe-11g docker run -d -p 9090:8080 -p 1521:1521 wnameless/oracle-xe-11g 解释命令: 将容器中的Oracle XE 管理界面的8080端口映射为本机的9090端口,将Oracle XE的1521端口映射为本机的1521端口 本容器提供如下安装信息: hostname:本虚拟机ip号 端口:1521


该文涉及Docker下Oracle容器的安装,主机端口的设置实现局域网内终端均能连接上Oracle数据库,图解如下: 一.关于Docker安装oracle容器可以参考下面博文: 文中需要注意的地方是,建立容器没有使用目录挂载: docker run -d -p 1521:1521 --name oracle11g


一.软件环境: 1.OS:Ubuntu 18.04 2.已安装了Docker 二.安装Oracle镜像的过程 1.切换到root账号下,如果是普通账号,下面操作指令前面加sudo 2.搜索oracle镜像 docker search oracle 3.下载oracle镜像 Docker pull 4.查看镜像 docker images docker images

Docker安装MySQL Tomcat Python Redis MongoDB Apache

Docker 安装 MySQL 方法一.docker pull mysql 查找Docker Hub上的mysql镜像 [email protected]:/mysql$ docker search mysql NAME                     DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED mysql                    MySQL is a wide


初始环境为Centos7.4 Mini安装后的系统,最开始用镜像iso做为yum源,安装oracle,在静默安装的时候报错,后来用一台同样环境的系统,开启yum缓存,下载安装依赖环境,让rpm包离线下载后,传到这台服务器,在静默安装,还是失败,最后网上找了个离线安装依赖包,成功静默安装及建库,将源oracle下的用户及表空间数据迁移到新安装的oracle用户和表空间下.以后安装可以直接安装离线依赖包 安装前的准备: 1. 修改主机名 #sed -i "s/HOSTNAME=localhost.l

Oracle Linux 6.5安装Oracle 11gr2

终于开始安装ASM和RAC的行程了. Linux下准备工作 vi /etc/selinux/config-------永久关闭selinux SELINUX=disabled--------然后重启服务器   chkconfig iptables off 重启永久关闭防火墙 安装包 mount /dev/cdrom /mnt cd /mnt/cdrom/Server/Packages rpm -Uvh binutils-2*x86_64*   rpm -Uvh glibc-2*x86_64* n