Climbing the Hill
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 1218 Accepted Submission(s): 548
Problem Description
Alice and Bob are playing a game called "Climbing the Hill". The game board consists of cells arranged vertically, as the figure below, while the top cell indicates the top of hill. There are several persons at different
cells, and there is one special people, that is, the king. Two persons can‘t occupy the same cell, except the hilltop.
At one move, the player can choose any person, who is not at the hilltop, to climb up any number of cells. But the person can‘t jump over another one which is
above him. Alice and Bob move the persons alternatively, and the player who move the king to the hilltop will win.
Alice always move first. Assume they play optimally. Who will win the game?
There are several test cases. The first line of each test case contains two integers N and k (1 <= N <= 1000, 1 <= k <= N), indicating that there are N persons on the
hill, and the king is the k-th nearest to the top. N different positive integers followed in the second line, indicating the positions of all persons. (The hilltop is No.0 cell, the cell below is No.1, and so on.) These N integers are ordered increasingly,
more than 0 and less than 100000.
If Alice can win, output "Alice". If not, output "Bob".
Sample Input
3 3 1 2 4 2 1 100 200
Sample Output
Bob Alice Hint The figure illustrates the first test case. The gray cell indicates the hilltop. The circles indicate the persons, while the red one indicates the king. The first player Alice can move the person on cell 1 or cell 4 one step up, but it is not allowed to move the person on cell 2.
2012 Multi-University Training
Contest 2
1. 当King是第一个人时,Alice直接胜
2. 当King是第二个人且一共有奇数个人时,第一堆的大小需要减1。
#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000,102400000") #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <map> #include <set> #include <vector> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const double eps = 1e-6; const double pi = acos(-1.0); const int INF = 1e9; const int MOD = 1e9+7; #define ll long long #define CL(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a)) #define lson (i<<1) #define rson ((i<<1)|1) #define N 50010 int gcd(int a,int b){return b?gcd(b,a%b):a;} int n,k; int s[1010]; int main() { while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&k)==2) { for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) scanf("%d",&s[i]); if(k == 1) {cout<<"Alice"<<endl; continue;} int ans; if(n%2 == 0) { ans = s[2]-s[1]-1; for(int i=4; i<=n; i+=2) ans ^= (s[i]-s[i-1]-1); if(ans == 0) cout<<"Bob"<<endl; else cout<<"Alice"<<endl; } else { ans = s[1]; if(k == 2) ans -= 1; for(int i=3; i<=n; i+=2) ans ^= (s[i]-s[i-1]-1); if(ans == 0) cout<<"Bob"<<endl; else cout<<"Alice"<<endl; } } return 0; }