很有气派 has a stately air to it
?尊称 a term of respect?
我行我素的做派 a devil-may-care attitude
显露自信 exude self-confidence
个性特征 personality trait
有历史根源 have one‘s roots in history
勉强自己 inconvenience oneself
慷慨大方 broadly generous
为...自寻烦恼 trouble onself over
能说会道 be great at talking
信手拈来 at one‘s fingertips
追捧 chase after
追星 persue the stars
竭尽全力 pull out all the stops
经常光顾 patronize
有极高的艺术鉴赏力 have a great appreciation for the arts
写诗赞美 write odes to
...的黄金时代 the golden age of
大众娱乐 mass entertainment
有品位的标志? a mark of one‘s taste?
时间: 2024-12-28 03:03:48