google base库之simplethread

// This is the base SimpleThread.  You can derive from it and implement the
// virtual Run method, or you can use the DelegateSimpleThread interface.
class BASE_EXPORT SimpleThread : public PlatformThread::Delegate {
  class BASE_EXPORT Options {
    Options() : stack_size_(0) { }
    ~Options() { }

    // We use the standard compiler-supplied copy constructor.

    // A custom stack size, or 0 for the system default.
    void set_stack_size(size_t size) { stack_size_ = size; }
    size_t stack_size() const { return stack_size_; }
    size_t stack_size_;

  // Create a SimpleThread.  |options| should be used to manage any specific
  // configuration involving the thread creation and management.
  // Every thread has a name, in the form of |name_prefix|/TID, for example
  // "my_thread/321".  The thread will not be created until Start() is called.
  explicit SimpleThread(const std::string& name_prefix);
  SimpleThread(const std::string& name_prefix, const Options& options);

  virtual ~SimpleThread();

  virtual void Start();
  virtual void Join();

  // Subclasses should override the Run method.
  virtual void Run() = 0;

  // Return the thread name prefix, or "unnamed" if none was supplied.
  std::string name_prefix() { return name_prefix_; }

  // Return the completed name including TID, only valid after Start().
  std::string name() { return name_; }

  // Return the thread id, only valid after Start().
  PlatformThreadId tid() { return tid_; }

  // Return True if Start() has ever been called.
  bool HasBeenStarted();

  // Return True if Join() has evern been called.
  bool HasBeenJoined() { return joined_; }

  // Overridden from PlatformThread::Delegate:
  virtual void ThreadMain() OVERRIDE;

  // Only set priorities with a careful understanding of the consequences.
  // This is meant for very limited use cases.
  void SetThreadPriority(ThreadPriority priority) {
    PlatformThread::SetThreadPriority(thread_, priority);

  const std::string name_prefix_;
  std::string name_;
  const Options options_;
  PlatformThreadHandle thread_;  // PlatformThread handle, invalid after Join!
  WaitableEvent event_;          // Signaled if Start() was ever called.
  PlatformThreadId tid_;         // The backing thread‘s id.
  bool joined_;                  // True if Join has been called.




  // Subclasses should override the Run method.
  virtual void Run() = 0;


  WaitableEvent event_;          // Signaled if Start() was ever called.


时间: 2024-08-09 08:47:46

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