结果如下:与文献molding the flow of light 相一致
%This is a simple demo for 1D Photonic Crystals simulation %10 points is considered. %by Gao Haikuo %date:20170411 clear; clc; global NG G f Nkpoints eigenValue modeset kCorner global epsa epsb epssys a b1 b2 epssys=1.0e-6; %设定一个最小量,避免系统截断误差或除0错误 %this is the lattice vector and the reciprocal lattice vector a=1; a1=a*[1 0]; a2=a*[0 1]; b1=2*pi/a*[1 0];b2=2*pi/a*[0 1]; Nkpoints=10; %每个方向上取的点数, modeset=2;% 1:‘TE‘ 2 ‘TM‘ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %定义晶格的参数 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% epsa = 13; %inner epsb = 12; %outer % Pf = 0.1257; %Pf = Ac/Au 填充率,可根据需要自行设定 % Au =a^2; %二维格子原胞面积 % Rc = (Pf *Au/pi)^(1/2); %介质柱截面半径 % Ac = pi*(Rc)^2; %介质柱横截面积 kCorner=(2*pi/a)*[0.5 0;epssys 0]; %T X M %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %get gap [G,f]=getGAndf_1D(0.5); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %get gap eigenValue=getFrequency(kCorner); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %get gap gap=getGap(); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %绘draw band drawBand(gap,0.3);
function [G,f]=getGAndf_1D(d) %这个生成一维空间中的G和f global NG G f Nkpoints eigenValue kCorner modeset a global epsa epsb epssys b1 b2 NrSquare = 10; NG =(2*NrSquare+1)^2; % NG is the number of the G value G = zeros(NG,2); i = 1; for l = -NrSquare:NrSquare for m = -NrSquare:NrSquare G(i,:)=l*b1+m*b2; i = i+1; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %生成k空间中的f(Gi-Gj)的值,i,j 从1到NG。 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% f=zeros(NG,NG); for i=1:NG for j=1:NG Gij=G(i,:)-G(j,:); if abs(Gij(2))>epssys f(i,j)=0; elseif abs(Gij(1))<epssys f(i,j)=1/epsb+(1/epsa-1/epsb)*d; else f(i,j)=(1/epsa-1/epsb)*2/Gij(1)*sin(Gij(1)*d/2); end; end; end;
时间: 2024-12-30 04:08:25