OWASP(Open Web Application Security Project) Top 10 for JavaScript

Injection flaws, such as SQL, OS, and LDAP injection, occur when
untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a command or
query. The attacker’s hostile data can trick the interpreter into
executing unintended commands or accessing unauthorized data.

Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
XSS flaws occur whenever an application takes untrusted data and
sends it to a web browser without proper validation and escaping.
XSS allows attackers to execute scripts in the victim’s browser
which can hijack user sessions, deface web sites, or redirect the
user to malicious sites.

Broken Authentication and Session Management
Application functions related to authentication and session
management are often not implemented correctly, allowing attackers
to compromise passwords, keys, session tokens, or exploit other
implementation flaws to assume other users’ identities.

Insecure Direct Object References
A direct object reference occurs when a developer exposes a
reference to an internal implementation object, such as a file,
directory, or database key. Without an access control check or other
protection, attackers can manipulate these references to access
unauthorized data.

Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
A CSRF attack forces a logged-on victim’s browser to send a
forged HTTP request, including the victim’s session cookie and any
other automatically included authentication information, to a
vulnerable web application. This allows the attacker to force the
victim’s browser to generate requests the vulnerable application
thinks are legitimate requests from the victim.

Security Misconfiguration
Good security requires having a secure configuration defined and
deployed for the application, frameworks, application server, web
server, database server, and platform. All these settings should be
defined, implemented, and maintained as many are not shipped with
secure defaults. This includes keeping all software up to date,
including all code libraries used by the application.

Insecure Cryptographic Storage
Many web applications do not properly protect sensitive data,
such as credit cards, SSNs, and authentication credentials, with
appropriate encryption or hashing. Attackers may steal or modify
such weakly protected data to conduct identity theft, credit card
fraud, or other crimes.

Failure to Restrict URL Access
Many web applications check URL access rights before rendering
protected links and buttons. However, applications need to perform
similar access control checks each time these pages are accessed, or
attackers will be able to forge URLs to access these hidden pages

Insufficient Transport Layer Protection
Applications frequently fail to authenticate, encrypt, and
protect the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive network
traffic. When they do, they sometimes support weak algorithms, use
expired or invalid certificates, or do not use them correctly.

Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
Web applications frequently redirect and forward users to other
pages and websites, and use untrusted data to determine the
destination pages. Without proper validation, attackers can redirect
victims to phishing or malware sites, or use forwards to access
unauthorized pages.

OWASP(Open Web Application Security Project) Top 10 for

OWASP(Open Web Application Security Project) Top 10 for

时间: 2024-12-26 20:19:26

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2013 Top 10 List   A1-Injection Injection flaws, such as SQL, OS, and LDAP injection occur when untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a command or query. The attacker's hostile data can trick the interpreter into executing unintended co