【2017.11.29 周三 转载之李航博士的文章:认识真实的自己】














Realize Your Genuine Self

Speech at the welcome dinner of MS in information engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Sept 4, 2015

First of all, let me congratulate each and every one of you for becoming an MS student of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Because Noah’s Ark Lab is just nearby, I occasionally come to your beautiful campus to have a walk. Strolling along the trail at the foot of the hill, I sometimes wonder whether the greatest scholars who worked at the university before, such as Chien Mu, Lin Yutang, Charles Kao, took a walk there as well.  I really admire you who will study in this fantastic environment. I sincerely wish you a pleasant and successful stay at the university.

Today I would like to share one thought with you. In fact I also want to talk this to other youths. Let me start with a story, which was written by the Existentialism philosopher S?ren Kierkegaard in his book “sickness unto death”.

There was a farmer who went to the town to attend a bazaar. He made some money, and thus could buy himself a pair of shoes and socks. He took them on. He still had enough left over to get drunk on. He was then trying, in his drunken state, to find his way home. He laid down in the middle of the way and fell asleep. Then came a wagon, and the driver shouted to the farmer to move, otherwise he would run over the legs of the farmer. Then the drunken farmer awoke, looked at his legs, and because of the new shoes and socks he didn’t recognize them, he shouted to the driver, "drive on, they are not my legs."

Many people cannot realize their genuine self. They mistakenly take external things, such as clothing, decoration, title, position, etc as self, and make them as goal of life or means of boasting. They are just as silly as the drunken farmer.

The iPhone which you hold in your hand, the luxury sport car which you drive, the famous university from which you have graduated, the doctoral degree which you have earned, they are all external properties of you, but not your genuine self.

The value of a person depends on the depth of his character, and your genuine self means how high your ability is, how broad your vision is, how deep your insight is, and how great your soul is. Life is the foundation for us as human, and your genuine self means how much you can enjoy healthy, happy and fulfilled life every day and appreciate being alive. We all live in the society, and your genuine self means how much you can help others and make their lives easier, happier, and more fruitful, i.e., how much you can change the world. Life is short, and your genuine self means how many valuable things which you can leave behind, when you pass away from this world.

I sincerely hope that you seriously think about this question at the important milestone of your life: how to make your genuine self stronger, more substantial, and more colorful. All must be begun with understanding of your self.

Realize your genuine self.  That is the advice which I would like to give you today.  Thank you.

时间: 2024-08-28 06:37:15

【2017.11.29 周三 转载之李航博士的文章:认识真实的自己】的相关文章

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[LOJ 6249]「CodePlus 2017 11 月赛」汀博尔

Description 有 n 棵树,初始时每棵树的高度为 H_i,第 i 棵树每月都会长高 A_i.现在有个木料长度总量为 S 的订单,客户要求每块木料的长度不能小于 L,而且木料必须是整棵树(即不能为树的一部分).现在问你最少需要等多少个月才能满足订单. Input 第一行 3 个用空格隔开的非负整数 n,S,L,表示树的数量.订单总量和单块木料长度限制.第二行 n 个用空格隔开的非负整数,依次为 H1,H2,…,Hn.第三行 n 个用空格隔开的非负整数,依次为 A1,A2,…,An. Ou


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