


A Mask is not a visible UI control but rather a way to modify the appearance of a control’s child elements. The mask restricts (ie, “masks”) the child elements to the shape of the parent. So, if the child is larger than the parent then only the part of the child that fits within the parent will be visible.


Section of a large Image masked by a Panel (Scrollbars are separate controls)




Property: Function:
Show Graphic Should the graphic of the masking (parent) object be drawn with alpha over the child object?
属性 功能
显示图像 遮罩对象的图形是否应该包含alpha绘制在子对象上



A common use of a Mask is to show a small section of a large Image, using say a Panel object (menu: GameObject > Create UI > Panel) as a “frame”. You can achieve this by firstly making the Image a child of the Panel object. You should position the Image so that the area that should be visible is directly behind the Panel area.

Mask的一个常用用法是显示一张大图的一小部分,用一个Panel对象(菜单:GameObject> Create UI> Panel)作为“框架”。您可以通过首先使图像成为Panel对象的子项来实现此目的。您应该调整图片的位置,使应该可见的区域在面板区域的正后面。

Panel area shown in red with child Image behind


Then, add a Mask component to the Panel. The areas of the child Image outside the panel will become invisible since they are masked by the shape of the Panel.


Masked areas shown faint, but would really be invisible


If the image is then moved around then only the part revealed by the Panel will be visible. The movement could be controlled by Scrollbars to create a scrollable viewer for a map, say.

如果图像移动了,则只有面板透出来的部分可见。 比方说,这个运动可以通过滚动条来控制,为地图创建一个可滚动的查看器。



Masking is implemented using the stencil buffer of the GPU.


The first Mask element writes a 1 to the stencil buffer All elements below the mask check when rendering, and only render to areas where there is a 1 in the stencil buffer *Nested Masks will write incremental bit masks into the buffer, this means that renderable children need to have the logical & of the stencil values to be rendered.




时间: 2025-01-08 08:48:25


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