


下面是apache common beanutils对javabean的解释

  • As a necessary consequence of having a no-arguments constructor, configuration of your bean‘s behavior must be accomplished separately from its instantiation. This is typically done by defining a set of properties of
    your bean, which can be used to modify its behavior or the data that the bean represents. The normal convention for property names is that they start with a lower case letter, and be comprised only of characters that are legal in a Java identifier.
  • Typically, each bean property will have a public getter and setter method that are used to retrieve or define the property‘s value, respectively. The JavaBeans Specification defines a design
    pattern for these names, using get or set as the prefix for the property name with it‘s first character capitalized

这里的意思就是:javabean需要一个无参构造器,每个属性,都有一个public 的setXxx、getXxx方法。


public class Employee {

	private String address;
	private String firstName;
	private String lastName;
	private Employee employee;
	private List<String> privilegeIdList;
	private Map<String, String> theMap;

	public Map<String, String> getTheMap() {
		return theMap;

	public void setTheMap(Map<String, String> theMap) {
		this.theMap = theMap;

	public List<String> getPrivilegeIdList() {
		return privilegeIdList;

	public void setPrivilegeIdList(List<String> privilegeIdList) {
		this.privilegeIdList = privilegeIdList;

	public Employee getEmployee() {
		return employee;

	public void setEmployee(Employee employee) {
		this.employee = employee;

	public String getAddress() {
		return address;

	public void setAddress(String address) {
		this.address = address;

	public String getFirstName() {
		return firstName;

	public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
		this.firstName = firstName;

	public String getLastName() {
		return lastName;

	public void setLastName(String lastName) {
		this.lastName = lastName;

	public String toString() {
		return "Employee [address=" + address + ", firstName=" + firstName
				+ ", lastName=" + lastName + ", employee=" + employee
				+ ", privilegeIdList=" + privilegeIdList + ", theMap=" + theMap
				+ "]";


由于使用java的反射机制不容易使用,所以我们有必要使用开源技术来访问这些内容。下面介绍BeanUtils工具,先大概浏览下BeanUtils api,如下面截图


  • 设置一个对象的属性
  • 获取一个对象的属性
  • 复制一个对象属性给另外一个对象
  • 获取对象的描述信息


<span style="font-family:SimSun;font-size:18px;">/*
 * Licensed to Luohong Software.
package embedding;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;

 * how to use the BeanUtils to set property
 * in the web, we can get the property, and then put the parameter to a map.
 * at finally,put the property map to the obj by using BeanUtils.popualte()
 * */
public class Employee {

	private String address;
	private String firstName;
	private String lastName;
	private Employee employee;
	private List<String> privilegeIdList;
	private Map<String, String> theMap;

	public Map<String, String> getTheMap() {
		return theMap;

	public void setTheMap(Map<String, String> theMap) {
		this.theMap = theMap;

	public List<String> getPrivilegeIdList() {
		return privilegeIdList;

	public void setPrivilegeIdList(List<String> privilegeIdList) {
		this.privilegeIdList = privilegeIdList;

	public Employee getEmployee() {
		return employee;

	public void setEmployee(Employee employee) {
		this.employee = employee;

	public String getAddress() {
		return address;

	public void setAddress(String address) {
		this.address = address;

	public String getFirstName() {
		return firstName;

	public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
		this.firstName = firstName;

	public String getLastName() {
		return lastName;

	public void setLastName(String lastName) {
		this.lastName = lastName;

	public String toString() {
		return "Employee [address=" + address + ", firstName=" + firstName
				+ ", lastName=" + lastName + ", employee=" + employee
				+ ", privilegeIdList=" + privilegeIdList + ", theMap=" + theMap
				+ "]";

	public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException {
		Employee employee = new Employee();

		Map<String, Object> empMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		empMap.put("address", "广东河源龙川");
		empMap.put("firstName", "骆");
		empMap.put("lastName", "Hong");
		empMap.put("employee", new Employee());  //测试对象setXxx、getXxx

		List<String> privilegeIdList = new ArrayList<String>();
		empMap.put("privilegeIdList", privilegeIdList);  //测试属性为List的setXxx、getXxx

		Map<String, String> theMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
		theMap.put("hello", "value");
		theMap.put("hello12", "value");
		theMap.put("hello2", "value");
		theMap.put("hello3", "value");

		empMap.put("theMap", theMap);  //测试属性为map的setXxx、getXxx

		BeanUtils.populate(employee, empMap);

		Employee copyEmployee = (Employee) BeanUtils.cloneBean(employee);

		String value = BeanUtils.getNestedProperty(copyEmployee, "theMap(hello12)");

		Map<String,String> map = BeanUtils.describe(employee);



<span style="font-family:SimSun;font-size:18px;">Employee [address=广东河源龙川, firstName=骆, lastName=Hong, employee=Employee [address=null, firstName=null, lastName=null, employee=null, privilegeIdList=null, theMap=null], privilegeIdList=[hello, hello, hello, hello], theMap={hello=value, hello12=value, hello2=value, hello3=value}]
{lastName=Hong, address=广东河源龙川, class=class embedding.Employee, employee=Employee [address=null, firstName=null, lastName=null, employee=null, privilegeIdList=null, theMap=null], firstName=骆, privilegeIdList=hello, theMap={hello=value, hello12=value, hello2=value, hello3=value}}
Employee [address=广东河源龙川, firstName=骆, lastName=Hong, employee=Employee [address=null, firstName=null, lastName=null, employee=null, privilegeIdList=null, theMap=null], privilegeIdList=[hello, hello, hello, hello, 你好,世界], theMap={hello=value, hello12=value, hello2=value, hello3=value}]




时间: 2024-08-04 02:00:43



今日内容介绍 u 反射机制的概述和字节码对象的获取方式 u 反射操作构造方法.成员方法.成员属性 u JavaBean的概述&BeanUtils的使用 u 自定义BeanUtils工具类 第1章 反射机制概述.字节码对象的获取方式.反射操作构造方法.成员方法.成员属性 1.1 反射机制的概述和字节码对象的获取方式 1.1.1 反射介绍 JAVA反射机制是在运行状态中,对于任意一个类,都能够知道这个类的所有属性和方法,对于任意一个对象,都能够调用它的任意一个方法        这种动态获取的以及动


1:Fiddler 是以代理web服务器的形式工作的,它使用代理地址:, 端口:8888. 当Fiddler会自动设置代理.能支持HTTP代理的任意程序的数据包都能被Fiddler嗅探到,Fiddler的运行机制其实就是本机上监听8888端口的HTTP代理. Fiddler2启动的时候默认IE的代理设为了127.0.0.1:8888,而其他浏览器是需要手动设置的,所以将Firefox的代理改为127.0.0.1:8888就可以监听数据了. Firefox 上通过如下步骤设置代理


什么是BeanUtils工具 BeanUtils工具是一种方便我们对JavaBean进行操作的工具,是Apache组织下的产品. BeanUtils工具一般可以方便javaBean的哪些操作? 1)beanUtils 可以便于对javaBean的属性进行赋值. 2)beanUtils 可以便于对javaBean的对象进行赋值. 3)beanUtils可以将一个MAP集合的数据拷贝到一个javabean对象中. BeanUtils的使用 使用beanUtils按照以下步骤~ 前提:约定前提: 参数


原文:[百度地图API]如何在地图上添加标注?--另有:坐标拾取工具+打车费用接口介绍 摘要: 在这篇文章中,你将学会,如何利用百度地图API进行标注.如何使用API新增的打车费用接口. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 哇,好久没有上来了.主要是因为最近工作繁忙,加上休息时间被各种排练.社团活动占满,导致木有更新此博客.


注:需要的jar包两个(缺一不可): commons-beanutils-1.8.3.jar:commons-logging-1.1.1.jar package cn.test1; import java.util.Date; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.UUID; import

Apache commons lang工具类学习笔记(2)--StringUtils

StringUtils工具类具有对String具有简单而强大的处理能力,从检查空串到分割字符串,到生成格式化的字符串,使用都很方便简洁,能减少很多代码量; 详细的使用方法可以参考下面的例子或者官方的API( packa


1.在JavaEE中,Java类的属性通过getter,setter来定义: 2.可使用BeanUtils工具包来操作Java类的属性: --Beanutils是由Apache公司开发,能够方便对Bean类进行简便的操作 --涉及到的包: (1)   BeanUtils相关包 commons-beanutils-1.8.3.jar commons-beanutils-1.8.3-javadoc.jar commons-beanutils-1.8.3-javadoc.jar commons-bea


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