它存在的缺点是:控件数组的命名将不能直观体现文本框含义,我们必须将数组元素与文本框的真实含义相对应,否则就会出错。例如:txtbox(0)对应 “卡号”,如果错认为对应“学号“,提示内容将出现混乱。
完美解决判断文本框、组合框为空问题》;一个是霍亚静师姐《vb.net & 文本框为空提示,一键清空文本框所有内容》。
Public Shared Function IsAllEmptyText(ByVal frm As Form) As Boolean Dim control As New Control For Each control In frm.Controls '遍历窗体中所有的控件 If TypeOf control Is TextBox Then '判断控件是不是文本框 If control.Text.Trim = "" Then '判断文本框内容是否为空 MsgBox(control.Tag.ToString + "不能为空!", vbOKOnly, "温馨提示") control.Focus() Return True Exit Function End If ElseIf TypeOf control Is ComboBox Then '判断控件是不是组合框 If control.Text.Trim = "" Then MsgBox(control.Tag.ToString + "不能为空!", vbOKOnly, "温馨提示") Return True Exit Function End If End If Next Return False End Function
Public Structure term '定义结构体 Dim controlSub As Control '控件类型基类来储存控件 Dim strText As String '储存文字 Sub New(ByVal controlSub As Control, ByVal strText As String) 'new方法来实例化控件 With Me .controlSub = controlSub .strText = strText End With End Sub End Structure
Public arrayControl() As term '存放结构体的数组
Public arrayControl() As term '存放结构体的数组 '判断是否为空函数 Public Function CIsEmpty(ByVal ArrayControl() As term) As Boolean Dim termControl As New term '实例化数组元素 For Each termControl In ArrayControl '每一个结构体数组中的元素 '结构体的控件是文本框或者下拉列表框时,判断是否为空 If (TypeOf termControl.controlSub Is TextBox) Or (TypeOf termControl.controlSub Is ComboBox) Then If termControl.controlSub.Text.Trim = "" Then '为空时提示不能为空,并获得焦点,返回true MessageBox.Show(termControl.strText & "不能为空!!!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) termControl.controlSub.Focus() Return True Exit Function End If End If Next Return False '返回false,表示没有为空的文本框 End Function '将指定的文本框清空 Public Function AllEmpty(ByVal Arraycontrol() As term) As Boolean Dim termControl As New term For Each termControl In Arraycontrol If TypeOf termControl.controlSub Is TextBox Then termControl.controlSub.Text = "" End If Next Return True End Function '判断指定的文本框是否为数字 Public Function IsNum(ByVal Arraycontrol() As term) As Boolean Dim termControl As New term For Each termControl In Arraycontrol If TypeOf termControl.controlSub Is TextBox Then If IsNumeric(termControl.controlSub.Text.Trim) = False Then MessageBox.Show(termControl.strText & "必须为数字!!!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) termControl.controlSub.Text = "" termControl.controlSub.Focus() Return True Exit Function End If End If Next Return False End Function
Private Sub Rdim() ReDim Preserve arrayControl(7) arrayControl(0) = New term(txtCardID, "卡号") arrayControl(1) = New term(txtStuID, "学号") arrayControl(2) = New term(txtName, "姓名") arrayControl(3) = New term(txtSeriers, "系别") arrayControl(4) = New term(txtGrade, "年级") arrayControl(5) = New term(txtClass, "班级") arrayControl(6) = New term(txtDescribe, "描述") End Sub
Private Sub btnClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click '清空指定控件内容 Call Rdim() If AllEmpty(arrayControl) Then Exit Sub End If End Sub