Command Line 3

Python Script:

1. Add some lines into a blank file: 

  echo "hello world" >> text.txt.

  Everytime before create a script file. we have some steps:

  a. Create a .script file by using mkdir text.script

  b. add some lines into the script to make sure the file is allowed to run under the shell:

    echo ‘if __name__ == "__main__":\n    print("Welcome to a Python script")‘ > # here we are using single bracket on each side of echo word.Pay attention that there are four space before print.


2.  We can use python2 to call the script:

  python text.script 

   Or use python3 to call the script:

  python3 text.script 

  Here, we can use python3 or python2 to call the script. But sometimes, if several project want to call a same library in different version.

3.  Why we want to use virtual environment:


 So if we use virtual environment:



时间: 2024-08-03 18:58:08

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