Authentication token is no longer valid

Linux: Authentication token is no longer valid


Authentication token is no longer valid; new one required

You (zabbix) are not allowed to access to (crontab) because of pam configuration.

PAM Configuration

The /etc/pam.d/ directory contain the PAM configuration files for each PAM-aware application.Each service has file in the /etc/pam.d which has the same name as the service.

For Instance, the crond service pam file is below:

  1. [/etc/pam.d]$more crond
  2. #
  3. # The PAM configuration file for the cron daemon
  4. #
  5. #
  6. # No PAM authentication called, auth modules not needed
  7. account required
  8. account include password-auth
  9. session required
  10. session include password-auth
  11. auth include password-auth

PAM Configuration File Format

Module_interface control_flag module_name module_argument

  1. account required
  2. account include password-auth
  3. session required
  4. session include password-auth
  5. auth include password-auth


auth: This module interface authenticates use. For example, it request and verifies the validity of a password.

account: This module interface verified whether the access is allowed. For example, it check if a user account has expired of if a user is allowed to log in at a partical time of day.

password: This module interfce is used to changing user passwords.

session:This module interface configure and manager user sessions.

PAN Control Flag

required:The module result must be successful for authentication to continue. If the test fails at this point, the users will not be notified.

requisite:Unlike required,if the test fails, the user will be notified immediately with a message reflectin the first failed required or requisite module test.

optional:The result is ignored.

include:Unlike the other controls,it does not relate to how the module result is handled.


Because the crond service must authenticate the user’s password.

So we can check the user password information:

  1. chage -l username
  2. Last password change : May 05, 2016
  3. Password expires : Nov 01, 2016
  4. Password inactive : never
  5. Account expires : never
  6. Minimum number of days between password change : 0
  7. Maximum number of days between password change : 180
  8. Number of days of warning before password expires : 30

If you find the password has expired, you can change the password and set the maxdays to 9999.

  1. password username:
  2. Command : chage -M 9999 username

After that ,you can check if the file /etc/shadow has updated the maxdays for the specified user.Just like this:

  1. username:$6$EZ2LtFaZ$l6cUrKMIYW..37AStpjDYlal215FZg3NoKM0SgsUClsllKjVwkxsR4lFtWbNGvaGZkGwi5orqWziDMpfGGhvh/:17107:0:9999:30:::

After all, it will be ok.


时间: 2024-11-11 18:57:13

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