select * from tb_evt_mail_clct a, tb_evt_dlv c
where a.clct_date between to_date(‘2015-6-11‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘) and
to_date(‘2015-6-11‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)
and a.mail_num=c.mail_num;
select * from tb_evt_mail_clct a, tb_evt_dlv c
where a.clct_date between to_date(‘2015-6-11‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘) and
to_date(‘2015-6-11‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)
and a.mail_num=c.mail_num(+);
select count(*) from tb_evt_mail_clct a, tb_evt_dlv c
where a.clct_date between to_date(‘2015-6-11‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘) and
to_date(‘2015-6-11‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)
and a.mail_num=c.mail_num(+)
and c.mail_num is null;
我们可以用下面语句统计妥投邮件量,妥投的条件是c.dlv_sts_code = ‘I‘,即:
select count(*) from tb_evt_mail_clct a, tb_evt_dlv c
where a.clct_date between to_date(‘2015-6-11‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘) and
to_date(‘2015-6-11‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)
and a.mail_num=c.mail_num(+)
and c.dlv_sts_code = ‘I‘;
select count(*) from tb_evt_mail_clct a, tb_evt_dlv c
where a.clct_date between to_date(‘2015-6-11‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘) and
to_date(‘2015-6-11‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)
and a.mail_num=c.mail_num(+)
and c.dlv_sts_code = ‘I‘
and c.mail_num is null;
这是因为,c.mail_num is null这个条件成立时,c.dlv_sts_code 的值也是null,不可能等于‘I‘,所以,统计的结果为0,也就是说,当统计C表mail_num为空的量时,是不能用其它筛选条件的,确实需要统计的话,需要用下面语句:
select count(*) from tb_evt_mail_clct a
where a.clct_date between to_date(‘2015-6-11‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘) and
to_date(‘2015-6-11‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)
and not exists (select 1
from tb_evt_dlv c
where c.mail_num = a.mail_num
and c.dlv_sts_code = ‘I‘)