13 Red-black Trees

13 Red-black Trees?

Red-black trees are one of many search-tree schemes that are "balanced" in order to guarantee that basic dynamic-set operations take O(lgn) time in the worst case.

Red-black trees?是许多搜索树框架中得一个。这些树为了保证基本的动态集合在最坏情况下操作时间在0(lgn ),采取了自平衡。



A red-black tree is a binary tree that satisfies the following red-black properties:

1. Every node is either red or black.?

2. The root is black.?

3. Every leaf (NIL) is black.?

4. If a node is red, then both its children are black.?

5. For each node, all simple paths from the node to descendant leaves contain the same number of black nodes.?







red-black tree?的属性从2-5感觉都是针对黑色的限制。


an example of a red-black tree.


As a matter of convenience in dealing with boundary conditions in red-black

tree code, we use a single sentinel to represent NIL

All pointers to NIL are replaced by pointers to the sentinel T.nil




In the remainder of this chapter, we omit the leaves when we draw red-black trees, as shown


We call the number of black nodes on any simple path from, but not including, a node x down to a leaf the black-height of the node, denoted bh(x)?


13.2 Rotations?

We change the pointer structure through rotation, which is a local operation in a search tree that preserves the binary-search-tree property.




13.3 Insertion?

We can insert a node into an n-node red-black tree in O(lgn) time.

To do so, we use a slightly modified version of the TREE-INSERT procedure (Section 12.3) to insert node ? into the tree T as if it were an ordinary binary search tree, and then we color z red.






Case 2 and case 3



13.4 Deletion?

Like the other basic operations on an n-node red-black tree, deletion of a node takes time O(lgn ). Deleting a node from a red-black tree? is a bit more complicated than inserting a node .?

First ,we need to customize the TRANSPLANT subroutine? that Tree-Delete calls so that it applies to a red-black tree :








Here is the red-black delete tree program? :



Finally, if node y was black, we might have introduced one or more violations of the red-black properties, and so we call RB-DELETE-FIXUP in line 22 to restore the red-black properties. If y was red, the red-black properties still hold when y is removed or moved, for the following reasons:


1. No black-heights in the tree have changed.?


2. No red nodes have been made adjacent. Because y takes z‘s place in the tree, along with z‘s color, we cannot have two adjacent red nodes at y‘s new position in the tree. In addition, if y was not ?‘s right child, then y‘s original right child x replaces y in the tree. If y is red, then x must be black, and so replacing y by x cannot cause two red nodes to become adjacent.?




3. Since y could not have been the root if it was red, the root remains black.?




If node y was black, three problems may arise, which the call of RB-DELETE- FIXUP will remedy.?

First, if y had been the root and a red child of y becomes the new root, we have violated property 2.?

首先如果y是根,并且y的一个红孩子成为了新根,那么违反 根是黑色的 属性。


Second, if both x and x.p are red, then we have violated property 4.?

如果x和x.p?是红色的,那么我们可能违反 红色节点不能相邻这一条。


Third, moving y within the tree causes any simple path that previously contained y to have one fewer black node. Thus, property 5 is now violated by any ancestor of y in the tree.?



We can correct the violation of property 5 by saying that node x, now occupying y‘s original position, has an "extra" black.?

我们可以纠正 第五条属性 通过将现在占据y的原来位置的x的属性 有一个额外的黑色。


That is, if we add 1 to the count of black nodes on any simple path that contains x, then under this interpretation, property 5 holds.?

也就是说,在我们计算从任意一条包括x节点的简单路径的时候,多增加1就能保持 属性5?。

When we remove or move the black node y, we "push" its blackness onto node x.



?The problem is that now node x is neither red nor black, thereby violating property 1.?



Instead,node x is either "doubly black" or "red-and-black," and it contributes either 2 or 1, respectively, to the count of black nodes on simple paths containing x.


?The color attribute of x will still be either RED (if x is red-and-black) or BLACK (if x is doubly black).?


In other words, the extra black on a node is reflected in x‘s pointing to the node rather than in the color attribute.




Case1: x‘sibling w is red?


Case2?:x‘s sibling w is black ,and both of w‘s children are black?








时间: 2024-10-03 21:54:31

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