Double-check idiom for lazy initialization of instance fields

时间: 2024-08-11 01:36:20

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单例模式的两种实现方式对比:DCL (double check idiom)双重检查 和 lazy initialization holder class(静态内部类)

首先这两种方式都是延迟初始化机制,就是当要用到的时候再去初始化. 但是Effective Java书中说过:除非绝对必要,否则就不要这么做. 1. DCL (double checked locking)双重检查: 如果出于性能的考虑而需要对实例域(注意这个属性并没有被static修饰)使用延迟初始化,就使用双重检查模式 public class Singleton { private volatile Singleton uniqueInstance; private Singleton(){

Effective Java 71 Use lazy initialization judiciously

Lazy initialization - It decreases the cost of initializing a class or creating an instance, at the expense of increasing the cost of accessing the lazily initialized field. Depending on what fraction of lazily initialized fields eventually require i

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Swift中懒加载(lazy initialization)的实现

Swift中是存在和OC一样的懒加载机制的,但是这方面国内的资料比较少,今天把搜索引擎换成了Bing后发现用Bing查英文\最新资料要比百度强上不少. 我们在OC中一般是这样实现懒加载初始化的: 1: @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *players; 2:   3: - (NSMutableArray *)players { 4: if (!_players) { 5: _players = [[NSMutableArray alloc

[ThreadStatic] dosen't work with instance fields

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多线程下的单例-double check

话不多说直接上代码: public sealed class Singleton { private static Singleton _instance = null; // Creates an syn object. private static readonly object SynObject = new object(); Singleton() { } public static Singleton Instance { get { // Double-Checked Lockin

【C++设计模式】单件类与DCLP(Double Check Lock Pattern)的风险

[单件类] 保证只能有一个实例化对象,并提供全局的访问入口. [设计注意事项] 1.阻止所有实例化的方法: private 修饰构造函数,赋值构造函数,赋值拷贝函数. 2.定义单实例化对象的方法: a.使用static 修饰 b.使用new+delete的方法 3.多线程版本: 使用双检测锁定,即先检测单实例对象是否存在:不存在,使能"锁",再次判断实例是否存在,不存在就创建该单实例对象. A.单层锁示例: Singleton* Singleton::getInstance() { L


Lazy initialization - It decreases the cost of initializing a class or creating an instance, at the expense of increasing the cost of accessing the lazily initialized field. Depending on what fraction of lazily initialized fields eventually require i