Would you like some more rice?-Unit11

Would you like some more rice?

No . Thanks,I‘m full.

Would you like to see a movie with me?

Would you like to do it?

Would you like some more rice?

No. Thanks,I‘m full.

Would you like some steamed bread?

Steamed  蒸的;

时间: 2024-12-28 20:12:13

Would you like some more rice?-Unit11的相关文章

计算理论中的莱斯定理(Rice's Theorem)——证明与应用

我们给出一个在探讨不可判定性时非常有用的结论--莱斯定理(Rice's Theorem).首先,我们来看前面讨论过的几个不可判定的例子: 这些都是由图灵机识别之语言的性质.而莱斯定理告诉我们,任何由图灵机识别之语言的非平凡性质(nontrivial property)都是不可判定的. 最后通过几个例子来探讨一下莱斯定理的应用.来看看下面这个语言能否使用莱斯定理来确定其可判定性. {<M> | M是一个TM,且L(M)可由一些拥有偶数个状态的图灵机识别} 首先来确定这是否是一个语言属性,显然是的

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HDU TIANKENG’s rice shop(模拟)

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【HDOJ】4884 TIANKENG&#39;s rice shop

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TIANKENG’s rice shop

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