codeforces Rockethon 2015


A. Game

time limit per test 2 seconds

memory limit per test 256 megabytes

Two players play a simple game. Each player is provided with a box with balls. First player‘s box contains exactly n1 balls and second player‘s box contains exactly n2 balls. In one move first player can take from 1 to k1 balls
from his box and throw them away. Similarly, the second player can take from 1 to k2 balls from his box in his move. Players alternate turns and the first player starts the game. The one who can‘t make a move loses. Your task is to determine who wins if both
players play optimally.


The first line contains four integers n1,?n2,?k1,?k2. All numbers in the input are from 1 to 50.

This problem doesn‘t have subproblems. You will get 3 points for the correct submission.


Output "First" if the first player wins and "Second" otherwise.

Sample test(s)


2 2 1 2




2 1 1 1




Consider the first sample test. Each player has a box with 2 balls. The first player draws a single ball from his box in one move and the second player can either take 1 or 2 balls from his box in one move. No matter how the first player acts, the second player
can always win if he plays wisely.



#include <cstdio>

int main()
    int n1, n2, k1, k2;
    scanf("%d %d %d %d", &n1, &n2, &k1, &k2);
    if(n1 > n2)

B1.B2. Permutations

time limit per test 2 seconds

memory limit per test 256 megabytes

You are given a permutation p of numbers 1,?2,?...,?n. Let‘s define f(p) as the following sum:

Find the lexicographically m-th permutation of length n in the set of permutations having the maximum possible value of f(p).


The single line of input contains two integers n and m (1?≤?m?≤?cntn), where cntn is the number of permutations of length n with maximum possible value of f(p).

The problem consists of two subproblems. The subproblems have different constraints on the input. You will get some score for the correct submission of the subproblem. The description of the subproblems follows.

In subproblem B1 (3 points), the constraint 1?≤?n?≤?8 will hold.

In subproblem B2 (4 points), the constraint 1?≤?n?≤?50 will hold.


Output n number forming the required permutation.

Sample test(s)


2 2


2 1


3 2


1 3 2


In the first example, both permutations of numbers {1, 2} yield maximum possible f(p) which is equal to 4. Among them, (2,?1) comes second in lexicographical order.



拿m-1和1 2 3 ... n-1的二进制取与运算,结果为0则从左往右放,否则从右往左放

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
long long m, n, ans[50];

int main()
    cin >> n >> m;
    int l = 0, r = n - 1;
    for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        if(i == n)
            if((m - 1) & ((1ll << n) - 1))
                ans[r--] = i;
                ans[l++] = i;
            if((m - 1) & (1ll << (n - i - 1)))
                ans[r--] = i;
                ans[l++] = i;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        cout << ans[i] << ' ';
    cout << endl;

G1. Inversions problem

time limit per test2 seconds

memory limit per test256 megabytes

You are given a permutation of n numbers p1,?p2,?...,?pn. We perform k operations of the following type: choose uniformly at random two indices l and r (l?≤?r) and reverse the order of the elements pl,?pl?+?1,?...,?pr. Your task is to find the expected value
of the number of inversions in the resulting permutation.


The first line of input contains two integers n and k (1?≤?n?≤?100, 1?≤?k?≤?109). The next line contains n integers p1,?p2,?...,?pn — the given permutation. All pi are different and in range from 1 to n.

The problem consists of three subproblems. The subproblems have different constraints on the input. You will get some score for the correct submission of the subproblem. The description of the subproblems follows.

In subproblem G1 (3 points), the constraints 1?≤?n?≤?6, 1?≤?k?≤?4 will hold.

In subproblem G2 (5 points), the constraints 1?≤?n?≤?30, 1?≤?k?≤?200 will hold.

In subproblem G3 (16 points), the constraints 1?≤?n?≤?100, 1?≤?k?≤?109 will hold.


Output the answer with absolute or relative error no more than 1e?-?9.

Sample test(s)


3 1

1 2 3




3 4

1 3 2




Consider the first sample test. We will randomly pick an interval of the permutation (1,?2,?3) (which has no inversions) and reverse the order of its elements. With probability , the interval will consist of a single element and the permutation will not be
altered. With probability  we will inverse the first two elements‘ order and obtain the permutation (2,?1,?3) which has one inversion. With the same probability we might pick the interval consisting of the last two elements which will lead to the permutation
(1,?3,?2) with one inversion. Finally, with probability  the randomly picked interval will contain all elements, leading to the permutation (3,?2,?1) with 3 inversions. Hence, the expected number of inversions is equal to .



#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int n, a[105];
double all;

double sum(int num)
    double tmp = 0.0;
    for(int i = 1; i <= num; i++)
        tmp += i;
    return tmp;

double cal(int k)
    if(k == 0)
        double tmp = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for(int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
                if(a[i] > a[j])
        return tmp;
    double ans = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for(int j = i + 1; j <= n; j++)
            reverse(a + i, a + j);
            ans += cal(k - 1);
            reverse(a + i, a + j);
    return ans / all;

int main()
    int k;
    scanf("%d %d", &n, &k);
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        scanf("%d", &a[i]);
    all = sum(n);
    printf("%.10f\n", cal(k));
时间: 2024-12-10 17:38:35

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A. Game

这是 Rockethon 2015 的一道题,也是我做codeforces的第一道题,在这里留个纪念.原题在这. 题意为:小明有n1个球,小红有n2个球,每轮游戏,小明可以扔掉a个球(1 <= a <= k1), 小红可以扔掉 (1 <= b <= k2)个球,小明先开始游戏,在小明和小红不是sb的情况下,要是轮到谁了,谁的球扔完了,那么这个人就输了. 输入 n1, n2, k1, k2 , 输出 First (如果第一个人赢)或者 Second (要是第二个人赢) 我就想,要是小

阿尔红军我让我特我问题沃特尔行业 http://www.houzz.c



